Saturday, July 17th, 2010

champagne is just ginger ale that knows somebody

Who: Kyrioscath Ansradar, and the rest of G2 entering the pub.
Where: A pub in Lothering
When: Molioris, 9:45 Dragon
Summary: How do you keep an idiot busy? (Also wut, recruitment?)
Status: In Progress

Spontaneous combustion is totally a real thing, right? )
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Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

Backscene: Hive of Merchants and Wizardry

Who: Kyrioscath Ansradar and Ekaterina Davor
Where: The Cumberland Marketplace, Nevarra
When: TBD.
Summary: Meeting of two Nevarrans likely to meet again later.
Rating: Probably G

Not quite a wretched hive )
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