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Backscene: Do You Know a Girl? [04 Sep 2010|01:52am]
Who: Imenry Barras, Eileen Wyland
When: 24 Molioris, 9:45
Where: G3’s camp off the road leading from Kinloch Hold to Redcliffe
Summary: Imenry promised a favor to a friend. Perhaps this new mage can assist her?
Rating: E

Her mind wandered back to a quiet conversation with her new friend Ser Ordhan )
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[04 Sep 2010|02:30pm]
Who: Branwyn & Epona (NPC) Sheehy, Ser Eogan Eads
What: Getting out of Dodge
When: 28 & 29 Moloris
Where: Redcliffe

Do you expect me to sit there like a helpless child without defending myself? )
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Backscene: Curiosity [04 Sep 2010|08:13pm]
Who: Vienne Reyer, Coan Bryland and Noa
Where: The Teyrna's Castle, Gwaren
When: A week or so before the arrival of Alistair
Summary: Noa isn't able to get treats out of her new adorer, so she settles for affection
Rating: TBA

The dog's happiness comes first )
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[04 Sep 2010|09:54pm]
Who: Teyrna Rois Bryand, Habren McLeod, Josette Perrot, Ser Erwan Hier (NPCS)
When: 25 Molioris 9:45
Where: Castle Bryland, Gwaren
What: Rois is a bitch.

If you treat that child anything like you treat your dogs, I guess I'll have no choice. )
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[ viewing | September 4th, 2010 ]
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