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Thread: How To Make Friends [23 May 2010|04:37pm]
Who: Faer Arandil, Ordhan Wyland
NPCs: --
When: Evening, 16 Molioris, 9:45 Dragon
Where: Group 3's campsite
Summary: Worried about the situation he's thrown himself into since becoming a Grey Warden, Faer finds that seeking companionship is enough to put his nervous mind at ease. Whom would be the best person to do this? Why Ordhan Wyland, of course.
Rating: K
Status: Complete
Notes: --

Though his body demanded sleep after many insomniac nights and the events that had occurred earlier today, his mind refused to stop long enough to fall into a sleep, whirling around with anxiety as Faer worried. )
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[ viewing | May 23rd, 2010 ]
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