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Character Narrative: Letting Go [17 Jan 2010|10:06pm]
Who: Deidre "Dee" Aisli, Ser Andreus Vance (NPC), Sister Justine (NPC), assorted other Chantry people who don't really matter
Where: The Chantry's Complex at Denerim, Capital City of Ferelden
When: 9:44 Dragon; 21 Molioris
Summary: A brief stop at Denerim from her travels yields an unexpected outcome when Deidre visits Ser Andreus Vance (briefly featured in this narrative) in the Chantry's infirmary.
Rating: D (for Depressing)

Warning: This narrative contains references to drug (lyrium) addiction and what it yields isn't pretty. I hope it doesn't strike too close to home to any of you but if it does, please skip.


It had been twelve years since he rescued her from the horde's attack and despite the passage of time, her girlish adoration for him hadn't waned or diminished in the slightest. )
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Reflections on What's to Come [17 Jan 2010|11:37pm]
Who: Viara Tremaine, Conlan Delaine
Where: Conlan's tiny hovel
When: 9:45 Dragon, first week of Verimensis
Summary: After their most recent "meet up," Conlan and Viara reflect
Rating: KM for Kinda-mature there was stuff that happened off screen. (And it was awesome)

Mmmm the touch of his lips against the warm... mug of ale. )
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