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Backscene: A Good Time [16 Jan 2010|08:31am]
Who: Darrian Anner, Quintus Wulfric
Where: The Pearl
When: 9:41
Summary: Just another evening at the Pearl
Rating: N for mention of naughty stuff I suppose.
Darrian stretched luxuriously on the bed... )
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[16 Jan 2010|10:20pm]
Who: Viara Tremaine, Thren Canondias, A Farmer named Hamish, and His Wife (NPCs)
Where: On the Road, Between Lake Calenhad and the Northern Shore
When: 4 Eluviesta, immediately after A Friend In Need
Summary: In which Thren and Vi make good conning partners and have lots of misunderstandings.
Rating: T for language, and mention of 'male problems'
Status: Complete

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