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[12 Jan 2010|12:25am]
Who: Azabeth Kordura, Black Matthew (NPC), drunken bar patrons (NPCs)
Where: A roadside tavern somewhere between Redcliffe and Denerim
When: 9:45, several days after Arlessa Valeré Kordura's death
Summary: A certain thief is up to her old tricks, but an unexpected encounter with an old friend leaves her contemplative.
Rating: T for some language
Would you like a private game, ser? )
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Backscene: Shiny and New [12 Jan 2010|01:11am]
Who: Quintus Wulfric & Conlan Delaine
Where: Denerim Alienage
When: 9:32
Summary: The city guard attempts to quell the food riots in the Alienage.
Rating: T for violence (and racism)

The City was in chaos, but Conlan didn't care... )
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Narrative: A Coming of Age [12 Jan 2010|05:14am]
Who: Seda Utheriel
NPCs: Henrik Niel & an Orlesian Man
When: 9:38, Pluitanis
Where: Highever
What: The events leading her to meeting Henrik who then recruits her to join his band of mercenaries.
Rating: M
Status: Complete

she couldn’t help but think that today was going to be a wonderful day )
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backscene: Unlikely [12 Jan 2010|02:27pm]
Who: Quintus Wulfric and Seda Utheriel
Where: Somewhere in the Brecilian Forest
When: early 9:29
Summary: Having contacted Zathrian’s clan, Quintus learns that his own Dalish clan had been killed back in 9:23. He wanders off into the woods, trying to figure out what to do with the news he has received unaware that he was followed.
Rating: T
Fate leads to unlikely friends… )
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