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It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie. The moment to live and the moment to die. The moment to fight.
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[10 Jan 2010|05:45am]
Who: Bethen Avilla
Where: The chapel in Kinloch Hold.
When: Two years ago, late evening, set after this, and slightly concurrent with the latter half of this.
Summary: As she sat alone, she asked for forgiveness, not just for her foolishness and her lack of faith, but for Constans.
Rating: T, mentions of blood and mild violence. And excessive angst.

She had condemned him in the same breath that she was going to protect everyone else. )
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backscene: difficult [10 Jan 2010|08:30pm]

backscene: difficult
Who: Thren Canondais & Cormac Murrough
NPCs: Redheaded pickpocket, who bears a striking resemblance to this woman.
When: 9:40, Nubulis, Two weeks preceding Lost in the Frostbacks
The Pearl
What: Thren relunctantly returns to Denerim with a message for Cormac, and one that shouldn't be hurriedly scribbled on a scrap of paper. He just wishes he didn't have to deliver it... here.
Rating: Strong T - Cormac uses language, frequently
Status: Complete

(Sorry for the deleting and reposting, a simple edit jacked this up beyond repair)

+ + +

Oh, this place is /charming/... )
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