Jun. 1st, 2015



[No Subject]

i'm back. who's around and who's not so i know who to poke first? i also think i'm going to drop the madame, and make another girl, maybe a witch? maybe a good witch or a clairvoyant? what do we need?

May. 25th, 2015



to those who matter

i'll be in new orleans tues-fri. haunting ghosts, warding off hexes, you know, sam stuff.
<3 when i return, it's ON.

May. 18th, 2015



[No Subject]

I am back lovies. And I apologize for the shit. Thanks for your patience.

Because of the strange turn my life has suddenly taken I have to lessen my load some. I have to drop a few...which I think will be a good thing actually.

So I am afraid I will be dropping Will. I have a lot of housekeeping to attend to in the community but we are working on the plot punch now.

May. 17th, 2015



Random topic (because I’m a little drunk and being totally unproductive)

I’m big on theme songs for characters and for this character I picked Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds ‘Red Right Hand’, in case you hadn’t noticed. It’s very dark. It has fitting lyrics for this personality type; the shady, manipulative, controlling, borderline evil guy who can help you, but for a price. ‘You’re one microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan.’ I think it works.

The song itself stands as the unchallenged theme song to the Scream franchise and has since been used as the theme to Peaky Blinders. Nick Cave has said that ‘Red Right Hand’ is a tribute to Paradise Lost, the smiting hand of god, and has also publicly claimed that he relates it to/drew influence from Stephen King’s Randall Flag character.

It’s dark, it’s evil. It’s sinister with a sexy undertone.

So when you hear it, do you hear tourism??????????

Because South Australia apparently did.

Oh, my country…

Thoughts? Opinions? General laughter? Does this song and this video (actually, it is visually stunning) make you want to visit our wine region???

May. 12th, 2015



[No Subject]

I AM SO VERY SORRY FOR THE DISAPPEARING ACT, MY DARLINGS. Especially for Elizabeth's absence from the Mysterious Egyptian Relic thread, which I'm going to blame on Lord Blackburn deciding she was having One Of Her Hysterical Episodes and refusing to let her leave the house. Hopefully I haven't doomed us all...

Over in boring real-world land I had an entirely unexpected stroke of good luck when one of the jobs I'd written off as a failed interview asked me if I'd consider taking the post when their first choice proved entirely incompetent, so I've been struggling to adjust to being back on normal hours, having to wear something other than pyjamas, and generally not being a massive lazy ass. Not helping, the fact that this weekend is the Spring Event for the LARP system Phil and I run, which I'd expected to have more time to prep (as I've lost maybe 2/3 of it to 'being in work').

BUT from Monday onwards I should be back and less sucky. I know I owe Renee and Jack tags, I'll get to those asap.

Love y'all,
- Emma
([info]maam, [info]raskovnik, [info]gigglemug)

May. 11th, 2015



[No Subject]

Just a quick note:

Sorry to keep everyone waiting. I have some real life suckage I have to deal with. <333

Christine (mod,fletcher, louella and will)

May. 8th, 2015



Would anybody like a scene with THE VAMPIRE HUNTER or THE MEDIUM? I need to get Eli tapped into the stuff going on at the brothel, but would love more for both of them.

~ Chrissie

May. 5th, 2015



[No Subject]

will reply tomorrow (im only in a few <3). somebody put a hex on my trapezius muscle and i can't hunch over, troll-like (the way i do.) to reply with any semblance of creativity.

May. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Good Morning,

I am doing generally housekeeping today, plot post, the cast list, new pre-mades and the following

The following characters have been removed due to inactivity and no response

The Country Bumpkin
The Opium Addict
The Tragic Strumpet
The Serial Killer
The Ragamuffin
The Wounded Soldier
The Vampire Underling
The Doctor

Click the friend button here to update your lists.

Please let me know if anyone has any questions!

May. 2nd, 2015



OOC - Let's do a thing

So basically I just spent entirely too long reading everyone's bios to figure out who I need to bother for a scene, BUT HERE I AM ANYWAY, MAKING THIS POST INSTEAD. I badly want to do more things with Sadie. Maybe you also badly want to do more things with your character. MAYBE WE CAN DO MORE THINGS TOGETHER. ♥

I can put Sadie anywhere anytime thanks to her crazydemonitis. After healing The Artful Dodger from a bullet wound that was 100% his fault, she is recovering from it; hence Hili will be mostly steering for now. There's noooo telling what she'll be like.

You can ping me on email or aim at kokolsch@gmail.com (same for both).


P.S. Oh yeah and here's a picture of a stegosaurus.



MIA in May (and June)

Hello, delicious friends! I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that I'm about to disappear into the dank dark depths of a summer festival, and it may be a rough month in terms of my actually getting breaks and time off. Mods, I may not check the community as frequently as I do now, but I swear to check in on anything that requires my participation. I believe I've wrapped up threads with nearly everyone to avoid holding people up, but I can always start something and go slowly if I'm needed somewhere. If there's anything I, Dantalion, or Merritt can do to help, please don't hesitate to give me a poke. I may take a day or two to respond, but I promise I will eventually get back to you!

- Jen

Apr. 30th, 2015



[No Subject]

So it's Abigail and I've officially gone off the deep end and grabbed myself another character. He's a werewolf and his pb is Michael Fassbender. Because obviously.

(I mean, seriously, look at those teeth. Normal humans don't smile like that.)

More info is in his app, etc, but the gist is... This is Ned Innes, Captain in the Horse Guards, former cavalry lancer, war hero, Victoria Cross winner, and all around military badass. He has clawed his way from the gutter to financial stability and doesn't plan on letting go of it anytime soon. Actual respect from society isn't going to happen anytime soon so he's not holding his breath. He's got two kids that he adores, a job that he's really fricking good at, and a predilection for still hanging out with lower-class riffraff during his downtime.

Unfortunately, he's also got that whole lycanthropy thing going on. But he's been dealing with it for a decade+ now and that brings a certain level of control and developing coping methods, so hey, chances are he probably won't kill or maim you when the next full moon comes. Probably.

He's only been back in London permanently for a year or so now, but he was there for roughly a good decade when he was a younger man, so there may be connections there if your character was around at the time and suitably disreputable. (Guardsmen weren't renowned for the company they kept...) He's in the military, served in India and Afghanistan, etc. There could be connections there? Now he's a fairly well-to-do war hero trying to establish himself somewhat in society, but failing so far and spending time in the slums to get his kicks instead. Connections again? He also turns into a massive motherfucking wolf once a month. Perhaps someone's noticed by now?

Rumors that he has been seen drinking at Trader Vic's are, thusfar, unconfirmed.

Apr. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

ANNND, my class is over. My final project is DONE. No more working on stuff when I would rather be writing stories.

Just letting you all know that I am READY

I have this guy

THIS guy [info]tigerbythetoe

THIS girl [info]lastpetaltofall

and another who is not in here yet. SOON [info]bewicche. (I've been busy,man)

Come play with me.



Apr. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

Hi everyone, Annie here, come to prostrate myself from embarrassment for having been so woefully absent this past week-ish. My big sister (also roommate) got engaged last week with shotgun style plans to boot. So between OHMYGODI'MSOHAPPY (25x!!!) and "sit and plan everything with me" I've slept about -2 hours nightly. It was great though, and now calmed down. SO! I have one open thread (Eep, apologies!) but am in need of something current because I haven't the foggiest what's going on. Eygptian Rods something something Danger Zone? HALP.

Anyone up for threading?

Annie (&Lukas)

Apr. 27th, 2015




So I've been complete crap with OOC interaction lately. That's my bad, entirely, and then it turned into a daunting task of catch-up.

So here's an OOC note to say: I WOULD LIKE TO PLOT WITH ALL OF YOU!!

I have Vi, the Gypsy. She's currently in possession of a piece of the thang that the dream led her to, one of the rods. She likes to palm her rod. Anyone else with pieces like to have a run-in with the crazy gypsy? I figure spidey-sense might play in there. Also, if you could, and haven't, post here with general permissions about what Vi could/can't pick up from your character, that'd be awesome. Infomodding is bad, son.

Owainn here has some detectiveing things he's working on right now, like weird-ass flowers and holey bodies, and some super fun things on the way shortly, but he can always use more. Wrong-doing doers and misdeeds are good. Anyone with concerns about things can be shuffled toward our resident copper too.




New player alert!

After some deliberation I realized that this girl is Austen's Emma Woodhouse, if she could see dead people and something nasty murdered Mr Knightley.

Apr. 26th, 2015




1.) Thinking to make a plot chat night for everyone. What day is generally good for everybody? A weekend, week night?

2.) There will be another group plot post coming soon, the theme will be... THE CIRCUS. And it won't be a dream this time.



Activity Check (Mod Friday...delayed)

Good Week and Happy Spring.

For so many of us the weather is looking up! Huzzah!

Thank all of you for being so wonderful and giving us lots of great things to read.

That said, it is time for a monthly activity check. No big deal.

Please post a link to one completed thread per character from the dates of March 25 to April 25th. Of course if you joined later in the game, please post to a thread that is happening now that you plan on finishing. The game rewards system and catalogue will be retroactive. It's on the horizon.

Look, we're not dicks. If you have had stuff going on please communicate with us. That is really all this is about.

There will be plot stuff this week! Look for it. Cast list will be updated soon. As always, please let us know if you have any questions!



[No Subject]

Slowly but surely I am getting out of this project I am doing!

Activity checks will happen later tonight.

Please click the friending button! There have been three new adds this week

and The WICKED

Once activity has been checked I will update the cast list. I think I might stop doing it alphabetically to make things easier on myself.



[No Subject]

Just wanted to apologise for being totally MIA of late. Not entirely sure if saying that life (aka, work because I have no life because of work, ha) decided to eat me, partly digest me and then spit me back out is a good enough analogy. Maybe life being a giant hungry cat with a hatred for red and Ping-Pong balls and of course, there is poor old red-ping-pong ball me getting smashed around the house by claw-filled paws. Yessss. Smash smash smash.

Basically I’ve just been beaten down at every turn this week and I am so totally done with this year. Can it be over yet?

Either way, yeah. It’s been fun. -.-

I think I’m up to date with tags for threads that are currently going though, like always, Jackie is totally up for some more crazies. I’m also totally behind when it comes to new characters; can’t wait to meet them all, and again, Dodger is always in the market for some shenanigans/friends/acquaintance/maybe even a love interest (read: stalking target). Hit me up if you have any ideas and, in the meantime, I shall try and play catch up.

I should probably just disclaim that sadly this happens a bit for me. I have a crazy job, so sometimes I do tend to disappear due to intense hours and stints between days off and then, sometimes, my days off are spent either legitimately just sleeping or getting that hammered that I forget the uses of glasses and turn straight to the bottle in which case I should never been allowed near a computer.

But much like a homeless alcoholic, give me a free drink once and I’ll always find my way back…