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The Cold War RPG

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[Sep. 29th, 2008|08:38 pm]

Officially closed.

[Ginny/Gabrielle] Clearing the Air [Sep. 6th, 2008|12:11 am]

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Who: Ginny Weasley and Gabrielle Delacour
What: A friendly chat
When: An evening in late August
Where: The French ambassadorial residence
Why: A lot has happened in the last few months

She'd come straightaway, before she'd had time to receive a reply... or lose her nerve. )
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Vanishing Act: Act II [Sep. 1st, 2008|08:39 pm]

Who: Marietta Edgecombe, and others to follow
When: Evening of Friday 5th of September, 2008
Where: Ministry of Magic, London, and elsewhere afterwards
What: Resignation and moonlight escape
Why: Because it's time that all of this ended

It is with great sadness that I feel I must tender my resignation... )
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Vanishing Act: Act I [Aug. 22nd, 2008|09:24 am]
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Who: Marietta Edgecombe and Hermione Granger
When: Late evening
Where: Longbottom Cottage, Ottery St. Catchpole
What: Discussions of the future, and the appearance of innocence
Why: Because it's almost do-or-die time, and Marietta doesn't really wish to die

Furtive looks are not recommended. We are not a weasel. )
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Owl Post to Hermione Granger [Aug. 21st, 2008|02:29 pm]
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From: Marietta Edgecombe, Chelsea, London
To: Hermione Granger, Hogwarts Castle, Scotland


It's time we met and talked about the future. I'm ready to be out of here.

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A bit of family history [Aug. 10th, 2008|05:05 pm]
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Who: Marcus Belby and Sally Fawcett
What: Marcus spills the beans to Sally
When: Sunday 10 August, evening
Where: Moza Curry on Trafalgar
Why: Sally's the only one who won't pull a wand when he tells her -- he hopes

After spending several futile hours in the lab, Marcus finally decided that what he needed was to get the hell out of his flat, even if it was ridiculously early.  He wandered the Greenwich Market, scuffing his shoes on the ground and mentally rehearsing how he might explain to his friend that his life had been a lie, until eventually the fading light drove him to the restaurant.

When Sally arrived, Marcus sat nursing a beer, an untouched basket of peshwari naan sitting on the table in front of him.
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Return to Godric's Hollow [Aug. 9th, 2008|04:51 pm]

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Who: Ginny Weasley and Mike Corner
What: A friendly arse-kicking check-in
Where: Godric's Hollow
When: Wednesday, 30 July
Why: Because Mike seems to have drawn a giant target on himself

Was that what Bellatrix had been trying to find? )
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Owl Post: Multiple [Aug. 7th, 2008|06:34 pm]
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The Malfoys [Aug. 4th, 2008|12:36 am]

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Who: Marcus Belby and Hermione Granger
Where: Marcus's flat, London
When: Sunday afternoon, August 3
What: Exchanging news and ideas
Why: Because Marcus will work himself under the table if someone doesn't tell him not to.

All of the other pills, they were different )
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[Jul. 29th, 2008|08:50 pm]
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Who: Adrian Pucey and Draco Malfoy, possibly others
What: Examination and un-poisoning, one hopes
When: Sunday 27 July, morning
Where: Hogwarts infirmary
Why: Draco's been poisoned!

Adrian had abandoned his plans to attend Mass in favour of dealing with the owl he'd received from Hermione sometime in the night. He'd already owled Marcus with most of the sample--Marcus' talents at analysis far exceeded his own and he knew it--and had taken up his valise for house calls to Apparate up to Hogwarts.

Remus met him at the gate. With children there for Camp Hogwarts, security was high. They walked up to the castle together, exchanging news, none of it particularly pleasant, and worries about the upcoming anniversary. They fell quiet in the Great Hall and every time a child drew too near on their way to the infirmary, which was thankfully unoccupied except by Poppy Pomfrey and Draco Malfoy.

Adrian made his way over to Draco's bed. "Good morning, Malfoy. I'm here to take a look at you and, I hope, make you better."
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Owl Post - Marcus Belby, Sunday morning [Jul. 29th, 2008|08:39 pm]
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warded to Marcus' eyes only )
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Owl to Adrian Pucey [Jul. 27th, 2008|05:24 pm]

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An immense Arctic owl beat a furious tattoo with wings, beak, and talons against Adrian Pucey's window in the small hours of the night, long before the Sunday church bells would ring to summon the faithful to prayer.

It carried a tiny bottle that rattled faintly, and a hastily-scrawled but very carefully-warded note.

The note... )
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Night books [Jul. 26th, 2008|04:05 pm]
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[Current Mood |worried]

Who:Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, and whoever else drops by or eavesdrops.
Where: Hogwarts library.
When: Late Saturday evening.
What: Words.

His pale white hand clenched involuntarily as he reached for the knob of an office door. He was staring at the small plate: "Professor Hermione Granger, Charms." It was a place he'd hoped not to be, at a time not of his choosing. He rather hoped that the professor wouldn't be in... but on the other hand, what were his other choices?

A cool, flat voice emanated from the door as his hand brushed the knob. "Professor Granger is in the library." It paused. "Mr..."

But he had already turned and was gone back down the passage.

The fourth floor library was dim and silent at this late hour of night, but a light still flickered in its dim recesses. The locked door presented him with no difficulty; but as he passed, shadow-like, down the narrow aisles between the tall, leaning bookcases, he could hear the books whispering and rustling at him. All books have a memory, and can sense when someone they know comes near them; but magical books, more than most, are able to express their feelings. These ones did not like him.

The aisle ended. There she was, seated at a table, a large heap of books piled beside her and two or three open in the light of the lamp. He tried to say something, to alert her to his presence -- but no words would come. His mouth was utterly dry. In this place of all places, rich with the magic of centuries, he felt lost and diminished, his own power a mere drop in an ocean filled by ten thousand wizards over a thousand years. His cane fell from nerveless fingers onto the floor; and in the echoes of its ringing fall, he could hear the hushed and scandalized whispers of the books, louder than ever.
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[Ginny/Marcus/Adrian] Slumber Party! [Jul. 20th, 2008|07:19 pm]

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Who: Ginny Weasley, Marcus Belby, and Adrian Pucey
What: Slumber party!
Where: Marcus's house, Fitzrovia
When: Friday night, 18 July
Why: To test the Tiara of Awesomeness! (and maybe other things too)

She supposed that she ought to be a bit weirded-out by this whole endeavour.... )
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Owlpost: Michael Corner [Jul. 16th, 2008|10:47 am]
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To:  Michael Corner, Godric's Hollow
From:  Marcus Belby, Fitzrovia

[in a hurried and shaky hand]


If you have some time I have a request for assistance that I hope you can provide.  It's a very personal matter, so I would like to discus it here at the lab when you get a chance.

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Late in the evening [Jul. 14th, 2008|10:43 am]

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Who: Neville Longbottom and Hermione Granger
Where: Neville's guest suite, Hogwarts
When: Late night, 14-15 July
What: Awakenings

... and all the music seeping through... )
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Owlpost: Ginny Weasley [Jul. 11th, 2008|11:38 am]
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To: Ginny Weasley, Hogwarts
From: Marcus Belby, Fitzrovia, London


I hope you are feeling better.  My condolences once again.

I've spoken to Adrian and he's willing to give your tiara a try.  We would need to take a night (or more) for the full test, and I told him you were planning to spend some time over here during the summer anyway so...what do you say?  Adrian needs a few days to prepare things at home for the kids.  Let me know if you're still up for it (and any other research we discussed).

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Owl to Ginny Weasley [Jul. 10th, 2008|08:44 am]

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Ginny, love --

Want to get together soon? It's been mad here at the DMLE as you might guess, or I'd have owled sooner and -- anyway, I'm so sorry. And I got your message and I started to write some sort of reply here, but I think it'd be better if we talked in person, yeah? For all kinds of reasons.

Give me a shout and let me know.

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Owl Post [Jul. 10th, 2008|06:24 am]
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To: Neville Longbottom
From: Michael Corner

[Enclosed is an article for the Quibbler, already set for the printer. There are also three wizarding photographs. The first is of a gathering of the proto-Death Eaters from their days at Hogwarts. It includes Tom Riddle in the center, with his followers arrayed around him. The second is of Lord Voldemort, a photograph from his first reign of terror. The third is a "Morphic" - that takes a closeup of the face of Tom Riddle from the first picture and morphs it into the face of HWMNBN in the second. Lastly, there is a genealogical study of Tom Riddle Senior going back seven generations.]

His Name Is Mud

by Michael Corner

So who was He-Who-Must-Not-Be Named? If one were to scour the Great Book at Hogwarts (which I have), there is no entry for Voldemort, Lord. That name was a creation, an attempt to reinvent himself and rewrite history. But history and facts cannot be changed. Though the so-called Dark Lord did his level best to erase that history, the truth is that Lord Voldemort was born with the name Tom Marvolo Riddle.

[The words TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE rearrange into I AM LORD VOLDEMORT and back again.]

So who was Tom Riddle? Where did he come from? And why did Tom work so very hard to erase that history?

Tom Riddle's mother was Merope Gaunt. The Gaunts were once a powerful and respected family, famous for being direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin. However, by the time poor Merope came into the world, the Gaunts had fallen on hard times and were practically penniless.

Tom Riddle Senior, on the other hand, comes from a very wealthy family - a Muggle family. The Riddles were a wealthy family who lived near the Gaunts, and their son Tom was considered to be one of the most handsome men in the county. Soon after Merope's graduation from Hogwarts, she and Tom married and left for parts unknown. But a short time later, Tom Riddle returned to his family, and would not speak of his marriage. Some believe that Riddle was the subject of a love potion, but that is supposition, and not fact. The fact is that months after Tom Riddle Senior returned to his family, Merope Gaunt gave birth to Tom Marvolo Riddle, and died from complications of childbirth.

Now, some would tell you that Lord Voldemort's blood, like all of his Death Eaters, was pure, because so many wizarding families place such stock in blood purity. But the fact is, if you go back seven generations the Riddle family is 100% Muggle. (And the author would go farther back, but the Muggle records were not as complete as many Wizarding records go.)

So why did Voldemort place such high value on blood purity when he himself was a half-blood? Now we leave the safe arena of fact and enter the area of supposition. Facts tell us that Tom Riddle was half-blood, and facts confirm that he sorted into Slytherin, a house that places such value on blood purity. Perhaps he reinvented himself as the hero of the pure bloods because the pure bloods were the ones with power and money - both of which the penniless orphan craved. Perhaps he cynically understood that if he wanted power in the wizarding world, he needed to make himself like those with power. Or perhaps he was simply ashamed. Nobody of his generation speaks of Tom Riddle's time at Hogwarts. But one can only assume how children of privilege would initially treat a child who came from nothing. They would have called him a "Mudblood."

(byline: Michael Corner is currently in Godric's Hollow)

PS: Nev, I didn't have time to write this up, but here is a list of nine muggleborn wizards who went on to do great things, from Quidditch stars to dragon tamers. Hermione would make it a nice, even ten. [List enclosed]
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Decisions Time [Jul. 10th, 2008|02:46 pm]
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Who: Marietta Edgecombe and Adrian Pucey
When: Early evening, Tuesday 10th of July, 2008
Where: Marietta's flat, Chelsea, London
What: A chat, and some decisions to be made
Why: Because Marietta's finally worked it all out

Read more... )
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