Posts Tagged: 'leela+joshi'

May. 3rd, 2018



WHO: Leela Joshi & Tristan Larsen
WHEN: [BACKDATED] April 21, after Tristan gets rescued.
WHERE: Vigil Memorial Hospital
WHAT: Tristan wakes up from residual nightmares from the trees; has a chat with Leela.

I need to tell you something. )

May. 1st, 2018



TO: Ex-husband
FROM: Leela
[1] Do you want to be with the kids tonight or are you going out with friends?
[2] Happy birthday.

Apr. 18th, 2018



WHO: Leela Joshi (ft. Tommy & Jackie Larsen)
WHEN: Tuesday, April 17
WHERE: Leela's house
WHAT: Leela sees things in a window.

'Like looking into a smudged mirror to find that the reflection isn’t her own.' )

Apr. 16th, 2018



TO: Ex-husband
FROM: Leela
You have (13) unread messages )

TO: Aaron, Gwen
FROM: Leela
[1] Can either of you get in touch with Tristan?
[2] He's not responding to my texts or picking up my calls.
[3] Please let him know his ex wife would like to speak with him.

Mar. 26th, 2018



[ Following this ]

TO: Gwen
FROM: Leela
[1] What do you know about those crow billboards?

TO: Ben Canton
FROM: Leela
[1] Hey
[2] Just out of curiosity, what's up with those billboards about crows acting weird?

TO: Ex Husband
FROM: Leela
[1] Can you pick up the kids



WHO: Leela Joshi (ft. Hyacinth)
WHEN: Monday, March 26; morning
WHAT: Leela is visited by a talking crow

'Excuse me, Ms. Joshi?' )

Mar. 16th, 2018



WHO: Tristan Larsen and Leela Joshi
WHEN: 2001 - 2017
WHERE: Los Angeles, CA
WHAT: Some good times and bad times
WARNINGS: language, fighting, feels, and some aggressive slamming of Canadian national treasure Ryan Gosling

Till death do us part, right? )

Mar. 6th, 2018



TO: Ex Husband
FROM: Leela
[texts sent Tuesday AM]

[1] Can you Jackie up from preschool? I don't know when Main's going to open back up.
[2] Also Tommy wants to watch Black Panther again. Do you want to take him this time?

TO: Group Text: Nana Qaradaghi, Ginny Ellison
FROM: Leela
[texts sent following this exchange]

[1] What do you do when your ex husband insists on coming over to reinstall your carpet and you don't want him to
[2] Genuinely asking because he's not taking no for an answer

Feb. 18th, 2018



TO: Leela 🐥
FROM: Nana Qaradaghi
[1] First of all: do I need to scalp his balls
[2] Secondly: there is so much semen :(

Feb. 15th, 2018



WHO: Tristan Larsen and Leela Joshi
WHEN: Wednesday, February 14
WHERE: Frankly My Deer, I Don't Give a Dam
WHAT: Tristan surprises Leela and she is not thrilled.
WARNINGS: Language

Happy Valentine's Day! It's colder than your ex's heart out there. )

Feb. 8th, 2018


WHO Ginny Ellison & Leela Joshi.
WHAT Undead Andrew Jackson visits two drunk friends, and no one has a good time. (Challenge Prompt: One Final Look Back.)
WHEN February 8, 2018.
WHERE Yellowstone Brewing Company.
RATING PG for language.
WARNINGS Zombies and verbal abuse of an Uber driver.

Ginny had gone quiet, only barely hearing what Leela was saying as she eyed the man shuffling closer and closer to them in the dark. )

Feb. 5th, 2018



Who: Everett Walker & Leela Joshi
When: Saturday, February 3, 2017
Where: Heeb’s Grocery
What: A dog where a dog doesn’t belong.
Warnings: Adorable child.

Did you get another dog? )

Jan. 1st, 2000



