October 2008



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Sep. 27th, 2008


TITLE: "Honey! Guess what I'm being accused of!"
CHARACTERS: Sara, Gil, and Hank the dog
SUMMARY: After receiving surprising news at work, Gil arrives home seeking a sympathetic ear.
OPEN/CLOSED: Closed to the above
STATUS: Incomplete

Gilbert unlocked the door to the townhouse and walked inside, "Hello? Anyone home?" he called, his voice tired and stressed. He kicked his shoes off and locked the door behind him before heading down into the kitchen.
Looking down the hall and into the bedroom, he smiled. Sara was there, with Hank next to her, and what appeared to be a bowl of cereal resting on her tummy. "Hey, Sara," he said with a smile as he took his jacket off. He tossed it into one of the chairs at the kitchen table and headed into the bedroom.

Sep. 10th, 2008


TITLE: Sara's secrets
CHARACTERS: Sara Sidle, Gil Grissom
SUMMARY: Sara's back and she's got a lot of explaining to do.
OPEN/CLOSED: closed to the above for now
STATUS: incomplete


As first she sat in a chair, trying to find a comfortable position before she felt a pinch in her back and she stood again. She paced for a moment, her fingertips tracing various objects on his desk; her eyes wandering upward to the small containers filled with various specimens.

Technically; she wasn't allowed to fly but when she heard about Warrick there was nothing stopping her. Same ol' Sara Sidle; stubborn as hell. Doctor's orders and she still ignored it. She couldn't believe she was doing this though, facing a part of her recent past Seeing the man she loved after all this time. How would she explain it? How could she tell him the truth? They had randomly exchanged letters, phone calls here and there but every time she left out the most important detail of it all.

She leaned against his desk, hands resting on her stomach as she gave an exaggerated exhale and felt a jab to her palm. This wasn't exactly how she pictured her life and she half debated taking alternate routes. Instead she stood in Gil Grissoms office, ready to finally tell him what she should have known months ago.

He was going to be a father.