Sep. 17th, 2007


The Journal of Draco Malfoy

What is your greatest fear?

Sep. 4th, 2007


The Journal of Draco Malfoy

This is the second and last 'catch up' entry. Bored yet, hmm? You're all Muggles, I assume. I expect your attention spans are minute.

My Thoughts on Love

What Song Best Describes Me? (You're welcome to comment if you can think of a more fitting one)

Busy, busy, busy

Sep. 1st, 2007


The Journal of Draco Malfoy

This is my first post here. I can't think that any of you will actually be interested, but seeing as I have to live with my pitiful existance, I'm going to make you read about it.

Who I Am. Mind the DH spoilers, whatever the devil they are

How I Came To Be Here

My Family