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Jun. 5th, 2013


hey. i'm.. i don't even know where to start. i wish there was something greater that i could say instead of just.. i'm sorry. beyond sorry.

anything i said to any of you, that wasn't... there's no excuse, and i understand if you hate me forever. i wish i could take it all back, especially to you, stefan, bonnie, and caroline.

and, i'm back now. tired and drained, but back. thank you, damon. you're still a jerk for pulling that, but thank you.

Private to Effie

i know i'm the last person you want around, especially after everything i said and.. what i've put you through, indirectly and directly. but, for what it's worth, i'm sorry to you, too. you didn't deserve any of that.


Everyone complains about being here and wanting to go back. Must be the only person who doesn't mind being here.

Jun. 4th, 2013


Okay, so this is probably the weirdest moment of my life and I'm admitting that it's the weirdest moment of my life because right now, I'm pretty sure I'm in a town or city that I don't belong in. Is anyone around here willing to answer this thing?


So...anyone know where there's a good general store? Hi, my name's Alan Wake. I uh...I just got in. Meantime, anyone mind telling me what this place is called?


For any of you reading this, I would very much like to know where I am. As soon as is feasible. I would also appreciate a schedule for the local public transportation if there is any to be found. I need to be getting back.


Text to Miles

>>Wanna kill a bitchy vampire?
>>Er, not me!
>:>I'll pay you!


I know Kenzi's worried about him but I'm kind of enjoying the peace of not having Vex around. He's just annoying most of the time not to mention dark fae so I can't trust him. I am worried about Bo and Dyson though. Not to mention bored without them here.

I guess I'm just kind of bored in general. As much as I like winning, there's only so many times I can beat Kenzi at pool before that gets old and I think I've pretty much found all of the spots Trick hides things. Or at least I haven't found any new ones in a couple days. I guess I'm just not used to having so much time for myself anymore. I can't figure out what to do with all of it.

Jun. 3rd, 2013


Who: Damon, Chris, Elena and Effie
What: Damon works on a way to get Elena back
Where: The boarding house
When: Now
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed

Read more... )


So, this place isn't shaping up to be such a torture fest after all. Imagine that.


Public Service Announcement:

Sirens cheat.


All I've been doing since I woke up here is trying to find my way home and I thought I actually had when I found the Castle today. Then I realized the whole place was empty and I was still here. I even went down to the dungeons hoping to see Sev I guess I need to just accept that for the time being I'm here. I'm Lily by the way. I think I've seen some of you while I was out walking out but I didn't introduce myself.

[Private to James Potter]
Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to say this to you? I'm sorry for accusing you of being responsible for this. It wasn't fair of me.


Could someone point me in the direction of the Sheriff's department? I'd like to find the person in charge and volunteer my services to help find answers.

Posted via Journaler.

Jun. 2nd, 2013


Where am I? What has befallen Camelot? I demand to be taken to my knights and my miserable excuse of a manservant. Immediately. And if any harm has befallen them here whoever brought us here will be paying for it


First I'm seeing Lori everywhere and now this? I guess I can't keep denying this is really happening. Anybody got a tip of where I could find things for a newborn? All of her things are still back at the prison I guess.

Jun. 1st, 2013


[Forward Dated for 11PM]

Welcome to the world Jason Morgan Jr.

I already love you so much, JJ! I know your dad would too.

May. 31st, 2013


Who: Miles and Enigma
What: Taking revenge and having dinner
Where: The Salvatore Boarding House
When: After she insults him
Rating: High (I do not trust these two)

It was a joke, dork... )


Well this...severely complicates my plans.


Well hot diggidy I was just in the middle of some really fun shit.

May. 29th, 2013


Who: Damon Salvatore and Effie Nashton
What: Moving past her accident
Where: The Salvatore Boarding House
When: Wednesday
Rating: Mid-High

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. - Helen Keller )

May. 26th, 2013


Who: Sam, Buffy, TBD, Tyler.
What: Baby JJ makes his grand apperance.
Where: In town.
When: Night of June 1st.
Warnings: Violence and birth of a baby.

When she was caught off guard for a second by a pain in her stomach, she was suddenly grabbed from behind. )

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