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rubette la lette intro [Oct. 6th, 2011|06:13 pm]
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Out of a fear of looking stupid, Rubette is hesitant to ask her question upon arrival. There's no one to ask after all, but why would there be a gargantuan sign smack dab in the middle of the city if you aren't supposed to ask questions. Normally there is a booth or some sort of chamber of commerce located in big cities...speaking of which this is unlike any kind of city she's ever seen.

"Well this is just...alright fine, fine...ask a question huh? Well I have...more than one actually so be ready for it. What is this place...?...Oh and, well I know it's impossible to cure an idiot, but is it impossible to magically reverse aging? That's probably a strange question...it's probably futile anyway, but I guess there's no harm in asking...a sign."
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[Jul. 28th, 2011|05:09 pm]
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Sylphiel might look a little on the vacant side, but she's really deep in thought here. If she's going to ask a question it might as well be a good one right? Right!

It took her several moments but her expression went from day-dreamy to animated in the space of a second, "Ah! I think I have a good one...so, they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Sir Gourry has a very healthy appetite to say the least, but so far he's only able to associate food with remembering my name which is better than nothing I suppose. So I've been wondering if there are exceptions to this rule? Do all men love food as much as Sir Gourry? Or are there better ways?...Oh...well that's more than one question so I hope it's okay."
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Swords swords swords! [Aug. 13th, 2010|02:48 am]

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Well, they needed to know where they could find a Gourry a sword, right? So let's put that awful-looking sign to use. Lina steps up onto a chair to be seen and heard over the crowd and cups her hands around her mouth. "Attention everybody! I need to know where we can find a sword! Does anybody know of any legendary blades or mythological weapons or maybe just a good swordsmith?"
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[Apr. 20th, 2010|10:01 pm]
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Melisan was not a happy camper, judging from the fact he was looking annoyed at the world, even behind his normal neutral expression.

"Here's a question for you all. Why do I put up with this bullshit sometimes?"
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