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Return Of The Housewife. [Feb. 3rd, 2013|02:57 pm]

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[Current Mood |sore]

It's a year later, and Izumi has returned again. This time, she's dressed for the weather.

She took a seat, moving carefully, and thought about her question for awhile.

"Last time I was here, it was to ask about an idiot apprentince," she began. "Now I'm here to ask about what one does when there's nothing more for her to teach a former apprentince."

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We all fall down... [Jan. 22nd, 2012|10:35 pm]

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[Current Music |Border of Death- iOSYS]

It was a fairly nice day in the Nexus. The weather was mild, for winter, and there was plenty of hustle and bustle around as people went about their daily lives. The ever obtrusive sign remained, flashing obnoxiously, when a portal close to it opened. For a moment, it looked like it was snowing in that area, and nothing more, when something fell out of it. Landing with a whump, the body of a young woman lies amongst the pile of, upon closer inspection appears to be, ash. There are no visible wounds on the body, save a large burn scar over her right eye, which, while clearly was painful, has healed. Anyone with a nose can smell the stench of burned bodies on her.
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New world, new problems [Jan. 21st, 2012|07:01 pm]
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Hei had been just ready to kill his victim, his pupils glowing with that little red dot, his body emitting his blue aura as he drove his hand down to grab his victim, they vanished and his hand collided with dirt.

Blinking for a moment, he defused his bodies energy and looked about confused as to where he was, before his eyes fell upon a sign, a very odd sign. "Ask a Question? What kind of a sign asks someone to ask a question?" Pondering this, he allowed himself to relax only for a moment before quickly returning to his shifty state of looking about himself, making sure no one was going to sneak up on him.

Moving to stand up now, he slowly moved his right hand into his jacket, not wanting to encounter anything that would throw him for a loop. This place was new to him, and even through it was new, he wondered if the Syndicate had anything to do with this. They had always been looking for new ways of challenging him, and maybe they had finally found the perfect challenge.
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[Jul. 10th, 2011|08:01 pm]
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[Current Mood |bored]

There is a young man in the Nexus, underneath the sign. He is dressed cleanly, and wears a feather stick tucked into his belt. He is carrying a toolbox, and a small electronic device. He pauses for a minute as he tries to think up a question. Did you really have to ask a question? Wait, wasn't that a question?

So finally after sighing, he says the most nonsense question he can think of.

"Did you know you can save big money at Menards?"
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