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((It's Been Awhile. Time For An LOL!)) [Jan. 18th, 2012|06:59 pm]

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[Current Mood |aggravated]

There's currently stuffed animals scattered across the Nexus. They look innocent enough, but this being the Nexus, they cause LOLs. They turn whoever touches them into whatever the animal may be.

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The Bitch Is Back [Jan. 23rd, 2011|12:38 am]

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[Current Mood |working]

Dante has once again returned to the Nexus. Now that she has made some plans, she intends to carry them out. Even if she isn't quite certain what she intends to do with Sarah yet. Merely use her to manipulate Edward into returning or moving house. Perhaps both.

As it is, she'll not ready to remove the illusion of benevolence quite yet. Even if her question could imply otherwise.

"What would you do if someone who turns out to be unreliable caused the delay of plans you made for an indeterminate amount of time? And how would you punish them if they are someone you have authority over?"

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