The NeXt Step in Evolution
.:: .:.: .:::...

August 2009
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Back August 11th, 2009 Forward
Rachel Grey Summers [Marvel Girl] [userpic]
Danger Room, Morning (OtA)

Rachel was in the Danger Room, training.

Well, she called it training. Anyone else who witnessed it would probably call it randomly beating the crap out of things with heavy amounts of power.

It was bothering her a lot more than she ever thought it would that her father and her uncle were both here and they didn't know who she was. She thought she could handle it. She thought she could deal with them not knowing who she was and dealing with that... but she was having a hard time with it. One of the drawbacks of coming backwards in another reality to protect those you loved from the future you knew.

None of your family knew you.

Wiping tears away with the back of her hand, she once more focused on the program she was running.

She hated Sentinels.

Back August 11th, 2009 Forward