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[13 Mar 2008|05:44pm]

WHO: Rabecto
WHAT: Boredom. Aka patrolling
WHEN: March 13, 1979, night
WHERE: Hogsmeade

Read more... )
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[29 Feb 2008|10:24pm]

WHO: The Order + The kids who are of age
WHAT: A meeting about the diadem
WHEN: February 29, 1979 (yes I know it was not a leap year, shush)
WHERE: Great Hall

Dumbledore passed in front of the head table, waiting for the members of his Order to arrive. He'd sent Minerva to fetch them from the far edge of the forest, and was expecting them any minute. When she'd gone, he had visited the Room of Requirement to tell the students what the current plan was, and to invite any who were of age to attend the meeting. He'd left them to discuss it and gone immediately to the Hall to wait for them all. It was high time the older members of "Dumbledore's Army" were treated like the adults they were, especially if this situation disolved into a fight. He rather hoped it wouldn't, but there was no guarantee that this would end peacefully.

They couldn't just let Voldemort into the castle, but if they could not find a way to free the town, they might not have a choice.
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[29 Feb 2008|10:21pm]

Patronus to Order members outside of Hogwarts, minus Severus )
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[22 Feb 2008|05:06pm]

WHO: Lily Evans, Harry Potter
WHAT: A rescue because Miss Evans cannot just sit on her bum while her son is captured
WHEN: Whenever Harry gets around to tell her where he is. So Thursday the 21.
WHERE: Hogwarts->Honeydukes->Hogwarts

How far can we go before we break/How long can I wait How strong do you think I am/How much can I take of this )
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[18 Feb 2008|12:17pm]

[sent on the 16th]

Doe Patronus to Dumbledore )
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Hogsmeade People [17 Feb 2008|11:55pm]

Who Hermione Granger and Open to those captured or capturing in Hogsmeade
Where Hogsmeade
When February 16th, afternoon
What The captured and Death Eaters Interact
Rating PG-13?

Anarchy breeds Chaos )
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Backdated to Thursday [16 Feb 2008|03:42pm]
Left where Hermione can find it )
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[14 Feb 2008|08:16pm]

Who Frank and Alice
Where Work
What Frank has a present for Alice
Rating Probably G for all the tooth decaying sweet.

I could get lost tonight  )
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[14 Feb 2008|07:56pm]

Big pink sparkly owl to Lily )
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[14 Feb 2008|07:11pm]

Owl to Marlene McKinnon )
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[14 Feb 2008|12:25am]

WHO: Ginny Weasley and Neville Longbottom
WHAT: A Valentines' day date that Ginny doesn't realize is a date
WHERE: Hogsmeade
WHEN: After classes on V-day
WHY: Cause it's adorable
STATUS: Incomplete

And she couldn't see what was staring her in the face all along. )
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[12 Feb 2008|10:36pm]

WHO Lily and Severus (the Elder)
WHAT Cutetimes
WHEN February 12, 1979
WHERE The park they first met at

I’m completely unconnected/Constantly rejected/Like everything I’ve ever loved is coming down )
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[12 Feb 2008|01:36pm]

WHO Neville and Parvati
WHAT Random interaction/Charms assistance
WHEN February 12, 1979
WHERE Library, Hogwarts

For once I want to be the car crash, not always just the traffic jam )
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[11 Feb 2008|10:27pm]

WHO Alecto and Rabastan
WHAT Destressing and alone time
WHEN February 11, 1979
WHERE Lestrange mansion
RATING/STATUS PG-13/Incomplete

Lash out first/At all the things we don't like/Or understand )
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[09 Feb 2008|05:45pm]

Who: The Trio, The Malfoys and Little Bill
What: Getting the Riddle Diary and accidental rescue mission
When: 9 February, after dinner but late evening
Where: The Malfoy Manor
Rating/Status: R at the highest?/Incomplete

*Que the Mission Impossible Music* )
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[08 Feb 2008|10:48pm]

Who: Remus and Tonks
What: It's been a stressful week. That's all there is to it.
When: 8 February, after dinner but late evening
Where: their chambers at Hogwarts
Rating/Status: TBA but it could be high. We've been good lately!/Incomplete

Well it goes like this : The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall and the major lift. The baffled king composing Hallelujah... )
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Private to Ron and Harry [06 Feb 2008|11:28pm]

Private to Ron and Harry )
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[06 Feb 2008|08:24pm]

Anonymous, untraceable owl to Nymphadora Tonks-Lupin )

Anonymous, untraceable owl to Andromeda and Ted Tonks )
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[03 Feb 2008|09:58pm]

Owl to Narcissa Malfoy )
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[02 Feb 2008|12:24am]

WHO Nevvums and his mam Alice
WHAT Random meeting
WHEN February 1, 1979, late afternoon/early evening
WHERE Honeydukes, Hogsmeade

Shut your eyes and think of somewhere/Somewhere cold and caked in snow )
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