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Time:12:36 pm
Liam and Audrey
Early mornings
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Subject:game plan
Time:01:04 am
Who: Finn, Liam, Audrey, Eli, and Corey
Where: Their house
When: Morning

Eli woke to the sound of his phone, which was only odd because everyone that usually messaged him was in the house with him. He rubbed his eyes as he picked it up, frowning at the message from Jack. He sent one back, then another, before turning to wake up Corey. “Hey,” he said softly, touching her shoulder. “You awake?” He was still learning the difference between a sleeping heartbeat and a waking one, but if he was awake, then he thought Corey probably was too.

She'd taken a while to get the blood off of her, and to patch up the wounds she'd acquired. Thankfully, Eli had seemed...well. Just fine. It was weird, but a pretty big check in the plus column. She was awake, just sore. “Yeah,” she answered, voice quiet. “How are you feeling?” she asked, shifting to look at him.
put on some pants )
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Subject:Like We Used To
Time:04:29 pm
Who: Finn and Liam
Where: Their house
When: early morning

Finn had been avoiding people. It was getting obvious at this point. He’d talked to Eli then gone for a run and found ways to occupy himself until he could sneak something to eat and hide out in his room. As soon as dawn had broke he’d gone out again, running before work, as far as he could go, and then back. By the time he’d wound up in the yard he was exhausted, sure he’d done more than any sane person would do, but it helped. When he ran, it was all he had to focus on. Not the way his heart felt heavy climbing the stairs to their house. Not the way he was upset with himself for being upset, for not seeing what made his friends so happy about their change. Not the way he felt guilty around how Eli felt when it wasn’t even his place or his fault. No, running for hours on end was much easier.

For a long moment he hesitated at the door, hand on the knob, not sure what to do. There had to be somewhere else he could go right? Somewhere that wasn’t here, where his emotions were messy, where his mind felt like it was fracturing into pieces and he wasn’t sure what to do with himself. Or which self was him. Some days it felt like there were multiple versions of himself and right now he was starting realize that maybe he was. And he had no idea which one was the right one. Sighing, he gave up on going inside and sat down on the steps, back to the door, limbs shaking a little with exhaustion. He’d get up when he felt less tired.

even if just for a moment )
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Subject:unhappy reaction
Time:12:16 am
Who: Liam, Audrey and Finn
Where: their house
When: wee hours

Finn had done everything he could for the storm. He’d worked his ass off at work because the lumberyard had been full of people needing firewood once the weather took a turn and then continued on after the rain started and the power started to flicker. When he got home he’d brought a haul with him pleased to see they both still had some leftover from his carry home and that someone else had managed to get some home as well. The power was out and thankfully his arrival at home had been met with silence, no one in the common areas of the house. He made sure a fire was going, the pantry had food stocked and the candles were out and accessible. Then he’d taken one for himself and gone up to his room and not come out. He knew he should have checked on his crew, made sure they were home and safe, but that might involve talking to them, talking to people and Finn hadn’t been ready for dealing with people at work. There was no way he was ready for dealing with people at home, the people who would really ask the questions he wasn’t sure he was ready to answer. He had no idea how things had gone so terribly awry with Avery, but he was sure it was his fault. That was certain, but just what he’d done was still a mystery. How could she have thought he didn’t care about her? He had. That was why he’d wanted her safe and happy and had been willing to do whatever she wanted to feel that way. Hadn’t that been obvious? Sleep hadn’t come and Finn hadn’t fought it. He’d just sat by the window, looking out it at the storm, wrapped in a warm sweater and a blanket. It was probably warmer downstairs near the fire, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave the safety of his room.
you should have talked to me )
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Subject:and then there were three
Time:11:19 pm
Who: Audrey and Liam
Where: their house
When: after midnight

Things had been a little overwhelming since she'd turned, only if it had been mere hours. She was still getting used to everything, though meditation seemed to help some. It was one hell of a thing, to suddenly have all of her senses kicked up to eleven, all at once. She'd developed a migraine, and been lying in bed for over an hour, just concentrating on tuning everything out. It wasn't easy, but she eventually seemed to get a little control of it.

It was after midnight when she went downstairs to get a drink of water, pjs on, hair up in a messy ponytail.

Liam wasn't sleeping either. He was downstairs, just about to head out of the kitchen with a glass of water in his own hands, when Audrey came in and he nearly smacked into her. Narrowly avoiding it, he sidestepped and watched her for a moment. "Sorry," He said, taking that moment to study her. She didn't look so good. Maybe it was because it was night time, maybe she'd just woken up. "You ok?"
of the wolfy variety )
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Subject:A different type of silence
Time:07:53 pm
Who:Liam and Audrey
When:Early Evening
Where:Their house

A new silence. )
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Subject:This Won't Be Pretty
Time:11:24 am
Who: Darcy and Liam
Where: the hospital
When: late afternoon

The last thing Darcy wanted to do today was go see Liam and break up with him. Not that they were together really, but that was what it boiled down to. Despite what her cousins might think she never intended to date both him and Noah at the same time, things just did that sometimes and there wasn't much she could do. Except call it off with Liam. She wandered the halls of the hospital, headed towards where they said he'd be, hand tucked in her jacket pockets.

and not good )
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Subject:Advice and Concerns
Time:04:00 pm
Who: Finn and Liam
When: Morning
Where: Their house, Finn's room.

And overwhelming. )
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Subject:Lunchtime Blues
Time:11:06 pm
Who: Darcy and Liam
Where: The school cafeteria
When: lunch time

Darcy still wanted to see Liam, if only to cheer herself up a little bit. She also wanted to text Noah and started that text about four times before giving up and focusing on the table instead. What was she going to say? ‘Hey, want to move in?’ or ‘You should come over and cheer me up’? That wasn’t part of the game. So she’d have to wait to find him. If she had time after she talked to Aidan. Or wanted to. His text made her wary for what he hadn't told her yet.

She didn’t have much in the way of lunch, just an apple she’d grabbed on the way out the door, rolling it in her hands while heading towards Liam.
lots of things on my mind )
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Subject:Not Scared Of You
Time:11:30 am
Who: Eli and Liam
Where: Their House
When: Afternoon

Eli was dreading his conversation with Liam, but not as much as he was Audrey’s conversation with Finn. Of the two of them, he felt he got the better end of the deal. The worst that could happen with Liam was that he might run off and hide. Overall, he seemed to be pretty understanding about other things, so hopefully this wouldn’t be any different. Eli knocked on his bedroom door, then waited. “It’s Eli. Do you have a few?”

scared for you )
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Subject:The First Date
Time:07:06 pm
Who: Liam and Darcy
Where: The brewery
When: late

Darcy had sent Liam another message to meet her at the brewery, which door to go to and everything, then she’d set about putting things together. Yes, she was a little more dressed up than usual, long dress that dipped low in the back and she couldn’t wear a bra with, but it was still subtle, since Avery’s slut comment was weighing heavily on her. Then she’d raided Aiden’s stash, knowing where it was and getting them some of the best, dropping it into a bucket of ice. The bar would have been easier, but her luck it wouldn’t be closed or someone would be wandering around, so the brewery proper it was. It smelled strongly of hops and beer, but it was a familiar scent to her and hopefully not too much for Liam. She’d spread a blanket in one of the darker corners, adding in a lantern for mood lighting and then paced anxiously while she waited for him to meet her.
finally )
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Time:09:34 pm
Who: liam and audrey
Where: hospital
When: afternoon/eveningish

in the halls. )
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Subject:together again, but scared
Time:09:31 pm
Who: Finn and Audrey and later Liam
Where: Their house, on the way to the hospital, hospital
When: late evening

Finn had waited as long as he could, finally finding Liam and pushing him into the space that they’d taken Eli that they wouldn’t let Finn into. He hadn’t even seen his wounds taken care of, but they’d stopped bleeding, drying stuck to his shirt and it didn’t matter otherwise. What mattered was getting them all in the same place. Which was why, when no one was looking, he left. He could still hear the growls, but his goal was home and he was able to move quickly, letting himself in and shutting the door behind him to call for her. “Audrey!”
Read more... )
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Time:12:47 am
Who: Darcy and Liam
Where: The hospital
When: early morning

Darcy had been at the hospital all of twenty minutes. She’d seen both Patrick and Lochlan, relieved they weren’t dead, but then they’d talked to their sisters and she felt out of place. So she’d left, still dressed in one of Patrick’s sweaters she’d nicked out of his house that was too big and looked more like a dress. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for, maybe Liam, maybe food. She’d done some time in a hospital when one of her oldest sisters had gotten pregnant. They’d spent hours there on a summer night waiting on her nephew to be born, and she’d remembered the halls always having something around corners. Vending machine, coffee station. It wasn’t like that now. This hospital would have seemed barren if it weren’t for the fact that there were people scattered about, dealing with the same thing she was dealing with: family and friends almost dead.
Read more... )
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Time:11:47 pm
Who:Liam and Micah
Where: Hospital
When: Very late
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Subject:walking me home
Time:12:08 am
Who: Darcy and Liam
Where: At school
When: early afternoon

The rain was pouring, which was far more interesting than classes, but Darcy was also looking forward to her last class because Liam was in it. She’d waited until he sat, then hurried to a desk next to him, dropping close and smiling over at him with an amused grin. “Hey there,” she said. She’d planned this part too, seeing him at school. She’d put an effort into her hair, glad the rain started after she’d gotten there or it would have ruined the straightened look and it was paired with one of Avery’s shirts, something girly that was fitted on Avery, but sat slightly looser on Darcy’s shoulders and didn’t quite touch the top of her jeans, leaving a glimpse of pale skin around her midriff and lower back.
Read more... )
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Subject:Quality Time
Time:08:52 pm
Who:Liam and Audrey
When: Morning
Where: Their house then the lake

Normal Things )
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Time:10:30 pm
Who: Liam and Darcy
Where: The festival
When: after the auction

Darcy had Liam’s arm as she pulled him off the stage and towards the area to pay. Once she’d settled up, she was smiling at Liam again, tucking the movie tickets into her pocket. “So...I’m Darcy.” In case he didn’t know but she really hoped he knew.
but unlike the others )
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Time:11:57 pm
Who: Micah and Liam
Where: The hospital
When: Afternoon
Warnings: None

Practice makes perfect )
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Subject:Dudes For Sale or....The Bachelor Auction!
Time:12:05 am
Who: Open to Everyone!
Where: The Movie Festival, Central Park
When: 4 p.m.

When the clock struck 4, Chiri bounded up onto the stage, grinning and waving at everyone. She'd been given a microphone earlier, which might have been a bad idea, considering it was now covered in stickers. Rainbows and happy faces type stickers. "Good afternoon, Domers! Welcome to happy good fun festival day, with lots of stuff going on! There should be something everyone can enjoy, and we've got an event here to help out our treasured citizens--the children! All proceeds go to the orphanage, which I will assure my very self! If anyone tries to pull a fast one, they're getting bitten! And no one knows if I have rabies or not!" she said brightly to the crowd.

"Anywho! Today, we are gathered here to honor a time tested tradition! To totally sell people off for good times for a good cause! So get out your wallets, and feast your eyes on this Dome's bravest bachelors!" Chiri winked at the crowd. "And by the way, they are all way easy on the eyes, so let's cough up some decent pricetags!" she teased. "Here's how this goes! Opening bids start out at twenty bucks! They'll go up five at a time!" she explained. "To make a bid, wave your number around, and someone'll spot it. Probably me. Then there'll be raising bids, and all that til someone comes out on top! Winners will get an evening with their shiny bought man, along with tickets to a movie at the theater! I should tell you it's got to be done within thirty days, but who the heck would wait it out that long when these men are just waiting for you?" Chiri bounced up and down on her feet. "And on that note--let the bidding begin!!"
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