May 2016



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Mar. 31st, 2016


[ooc, late night after battle]

I lost you- If you want to come crash in our room tonight, I wouldn't mind. Also, I think the pegasus you made kept me safe.

I want to see you before I collapse.

Everyone get through okay? I still have some resources from the Amazons in case we need our type of healing.

Mar. 28th, 2016


[Friends + everyone that helped out with Nico's plan]
I can certainly say that I didn't expect to come home to find my room covered in purple and gold and adorned with winged horses. I'll even admit that if I squint really hard, Mrs. O'Leary could almost past for Guido in the dark. Maybe.

Thanks for making it a good night. All the drawings are the next best thing to having Scipio or Guido actually here. I think I'm going to leave the decorations up for awhile. Room looks good in these colors.

You didn't need to, you know, but thank you. Don't think you're getting out of extra hugs.

So this is why we needed to go a few extra rounds of sparring last night?

Mar. 27th, 2016


[Friends of his and Reyna - minus Reyna] (ooc: pretend this was earlier in the day)
I know there's a lot of stress going on, but who wants to help me find everything purple and gold in this mountain to decorate Reyna's room with before she gets back for the night?


Two questions:

What's with all the snow?
And where are my campers at?

Everyone else, I'm Thalia. I've been assigned to hunting.

Mar. 22nd, 2016


You'd think saving the world would earn a break from weird stuff. Like, just a little one, at least. Guess not.

Hey, Mount Weather. I'm Piper. Looks like I'm your newest farmer.

Mar. 21st, 2016


I have a sword?

I have a sword! Does this mean I'm like King Arthur?

Sorry if it wouldn't let you touch it, btw. I didn't know it was for me or I would've gotten it sooner. I was expecting my Pokémon cards instead. Whoops.

Mar. 19th, 2016


I really didn't expect to get anything since I haven't been here that long but I did! It's the best thing ever. Well if you're me.

[Friends...if you've talked to her, you count.]

I got the laptop! Daedalus' laptop!! I got some clothes too but the LAPTOP!


[Filter to Friends]
Uh... I think I just got a pet... at least until Percy shows up again...

Mar. 18th, 2016


I wanted to take a moment to thank the Frye's for organizing Fight Club and Commander Shepherd for the training camp that's been so useful to a lot of us in practicing our skills and acquiring new ones. In that line, I was wondering if there'd be any interest in a sort of fight club but with weapons - swords, axes, staves - whatever your close combat weapon of choice is.

We could practice on a semi-regular basis and do a tournament of matches once a month if folks want.

What am I doing?

ooc: signups here

Mar. 16th, 2016


Now that I've made sure everyone in the hospital thinks I'm a crazy person, turns out I'm your new co-worker. Promise I don't usually rant about gods and prophecies.

Everyone else, hi, I'm Gaia.

Mar. 13th, 2016


(023) Anakin Solo

I'm beginning to think I'm just bad luck for Capture the Flag. On the other hand, at least the snow waited until today.

[Filter: Nico di Angelo]
I don't think I'll blame you if you put me on the other team next month.

More pirates tonight?

Mar. 10th, 2016


1. Annabeth Chase

Hello Mt. Weather, I'm Annabeth Chase. They told me that I'd been here a couple of times before but I don't remember any of that. I can't say that I'm surprised that Earth nearly blew itself up but I can't help but wonder if the gods didn't give them a little help.

I'm going to be a mapmaker which is cool, I love that sort of thing. Nico, they said you were here and you're one of my roommates. I'm in the apartment now but no one else is here. So come home when you can.

Mar. 5th, 2016


Alright, who is actually responsible for movies? I need to know which names to take down so that when I summon some spirits I'm telling the right ones all the mistakes they made. Did they even read a book of basic Greek mythology?

1. The Underworld does not look like that.
2. Hades' palace does not look like that.
3. The Underworld is not Hell and Hades is not the devil.
4. I don't even like her, but how could they do that to Persephone?
5. Hellhounds don't just roam around the palace. They stay on the Fields of Punishment with a few exceptions. Also, give them to the souls? What good would that even do?

Please tell me this movie was a joke and not what someone actually thought Percy Jackson's world is like.

Mar. 4th, 2016


netpost; billy kaplan

Um. Tell me I didn't wish anything out of existence.

Please. Alien metabolism > magic, right now.

I blame radiation for anything and everything that might have happened yesterday. Yup. Totally the apocalypse's fault. So And uh -- thanks, Mount Weather. For being so understanding.

Feb. 24th, 2016


[Anakin & Nico]
When can we leave?

Feb. 22nd, 2016


Faith is gone.

I'll be in the gym.

How's now for some swordfighting practice?

I'm sorry.

I know it's weird, but if there's something of hers, could I..?

Feb. 19th, 2016


netpost; billy kaplan

You'd think I'd have learned my lesson about alternate universes by now. They -- never, never, never, never, never, never -- work out well. But dear Pod God, if you're up there, listening to this nerdy secular Jewish boy from the upper west side, could you send me my brother for my birthday? You've got two weeks. My mom will make you pancakes. When she gets here.

Teddy, Kate, & other friends [feel free to assume]
So, how young is too young for tavern birthday adventures? Please, please, please tell me it is cool to drink blue alcohol and quote Tolkien. I really need this right now (or like, thirteen days from now, okay). It sucks you're all weirdly older than me.

Feb. 15th, 2016


[Chatty to Nico di Angelo]
-- You made me a Mythomagic figure?
-- And a card?

Feb. 12th, 2016


Shit, shit, shit, not again

You know all those fires people were talking about? I know what they are now.

Feb. 5th, 2016


(021) Anakin Solo

Think of it this way: You didn't need coffee to wake up this morning.

[Filter: Friends]
I have a droid to take apart and play with. This is basically the most brilliant.

[Filter: Nico (di Angelo)]
You should come over and we could tear it apart together.

[Filter: Dr. Ravi]

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