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Feb. 6th, 2016


The magical chess pieces were interesting. I wasn't very sure about the point usefulness at first, but it would make it a lot easier to play while doing something with your hands at the same time. Especially if your opponent takes a long time to decide on their move.

Jan. 25th, 2016


This is an outrage! Just wait until my father hears all about this. You can bet your arses that he won't be happy about his heir being kidnapped and brought to this strange place! Someone better tell me right now where my mother and father are! Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. If you think my father is scary when he's angry, my mum is even scarier if something happens to me!


This isn't supposed to have happened. According to "Hogwarts a History", after the train there was supposed to be boats over the lake. And then we were going to be sorted into our houses.

There was nothing said about an underground bunker. Or tiny hand held computers. I didn't think they made computers this small.

Jan. 14th, 2016


[Harry Potter verse]

Seems we've a wave of sickness on us. Before you all start on me about being unusually helpful, don't.

What ingredients do we have around here that could serve as healing potions? Between Severus and myself, I imagine we can concoct enough for anyone here that is willing to take some.

Jan. 13th, 2016


To all those looking for the dragon, good luck. If it is sleeping, do not wake it. That may yet buy us a lifetime without the need for slaughter. You may think this advice to be obvious, but I was still awoken by some who I can only assume received the same warning.

Jan. 9th, 2016


WHO: Draco Malfoy and Sandrilene Fa Toren
WHEN: January 8, evening, shortly after this
WHERE: Library
WHAT: Draco's making a friend, showing off his warming charms
WARNINGS: Um, probably none

It was time he met his new friend in person and shared a thing or two about magic... )


I may be short, but that doesn't give anyone the right to simply push past me as if I don't exist. I know you can see me. What could possibly be so urgent that it doesn't give a person time to say 'excuse me'?

Jan. 6th, 2016


I'm still trying to reckon with the fact that I've a son in the future.

It's both...a relief and a shock. I'd like to know more about the future, for those of you who are from it in my world and who may know about it. What can you share with me?

Jan. 5th, 2016


[Filtered to Harry Potter verse]

Well, I guess we know that the clock works now.

Rose has gone.

[Filtered to Ron]

I don't know if you'll get this until you get back from Raven Rock. But, be careful. Okay?

Dec. 31st, 2015


So, well done to all of you who sensibly hid their computers for the duration of the ridiculous truth telling.

Not that I noticed a difference. Bluntness is kind of a trait.

Anyway, I've had this idea to run a Chess tournement. For those of us who want something more cerebral than punching each other. Me and Vassy would adjudicate. Not participate obviously, that'd just defeat the purpose.

And we're looking at lessons, Beginner, intermediate and advanced. It focuses the mind, its stratagy, its tactics and it's been around in one form or another since the 6th century.

There'll be a sign up for both sooner or later, but, yeah. Sign up.


So, you avoided the hell out of me last few days.


Dec. 30th, 2015


Pretty powerful truth spell there if it got everyone blabbing secrets.

I waited until it was over, and you can test me with Veritaserum when it's all said and done. I never wanted to be a Death Eater. None of it.

Dec. 11th, 2015


I've been told to introduce myself. I'm Sandrilene fa Toren. I'm not very good at this, I can't tell what sort of order the letters are in and I'm much more used to writing with ink and a brush.

Everyone really lives underground? I feel like the mountain is going to collapse on me.

Dec. 6th, 2015


[Harry Potter]

Did you know I have a son in the future?


Apparently, I...I have a son in the future. He'll be named Scorpius.

Dec. 5th, 2015


This place is more than a bit loony, but I suppose every place has its quirks. My initial introduction was a bit off, so let's try again now that I've learnt a few things about this place and have come to accept where I am.

I'm Draco, for those of you who are new here. I enjoy a good wizard's chess game, Quidditch, and stargazing. I fancy sweets of all kinds. Pretty decent at my spell work too.

I still don't like this place, but I can't really change that. At least You-Know-Who isn't here.

Dec. 4th, 2015


Has anyone figured out yet how to bring people here that should be here? I'm fine with it involving diligent toil or human sacrifice.

Also, "happy holidays". I was told that was an appropriate seasonal greeting.

Nov. 28th, 2015


(006) Severus Snape

I've never been so grateful for heating charms.

[Filter: Draco]
Have you found a way to settle in here?

Nov. 22nd, 2015


Filter to James and Lily Potter
You ever feel like you're going to be a disappointment to me? Like somehow you won't live up to what I thought you'd be like?

I feel like that with Albus and Lily Luna. They had all these years with me, and suddenly here I am, their age and not having a bloody clue how to even talk to them.

But I just want you to know that I'm not disappointed. You're far, far better people and even parents than I ever dreamed of.

I also want to know how your Patronus Charms are? I'm tutoring Malfoy, Albus, and Lily Luna in the evenings but I want you to know that I'll gladly give you some pointers if you want them.

Filter to Malfoy
How do you feel about your ability to produce a Patronus?

Filter to Ginny
I love you.

Filter to Ron and Hermione
All right? How're your Patronuses?

Nov. 18th, 2015


[Filtered: Harry Potter]

If it really is dementors here, I want you to teach me the bloody Patronus spell.

Nov. 17th, 2015


Filtered to all from HP world

Look, I didn't want to say until the muggle doctors had ruled out any non magical cause. But a day or so ago a man was brought in, cold, staring, scared. No one knew what was wrong but, well, something crossed my mind. With warmth and a bit of chocolate he seemed fine eventually

Later another man same condition, only he didn't wake. He's still just frozen, staring, look of terror on his face.

You all know what I'm thinking don't you?


Merlin, I hope I'm wrong. But there are places still cold. I wanted...I wondered if some of you with more experiance of the things could come and see what you thought of the area before I bring this to the leadership?

Oct. 29th, 2015


Filtered to HP-Worlders & Snow White
The support systems for the Ark over at Camp Jaha have gone down, and they haven't been able to repair them. Mount Weather is going to be taking in a lot of people rather quickly, and they need our help. The best place to set up some temporary housing is in the warehouses, and so we'll be doing that. First things first will be going through and putting as much as we can into storage. Small and portable would be best, so some containers that are bigger on the inside will be necessary. We'll also be putting some spells up to enlarge the warehouses to accommodate all the people, and they'll need warming charms. Anyone who is proficient at creating portkeys needs to also make themselves known to Snow White so that she can begin coordinating transport of the people.

We need all of you on this, even Snape and Pettigrew. There's a lot of work to be done and we have to get it done within a few days. We'll meet in the larger warehouse just after breakfast. Make sure you eat early, yeah?

And I just found out that we're going to need to duplicate some bedding for these incing people. So any of you who're good at that sort of thing, we'll set you on that. I know a few of you are, at least.

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