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Feb. 10th, 2016


Are you going out there?

[Kara Palamas]
Are you going to fight one of those groups, or whatever?


Alright, if you haven't seen Captain? Rogers post, unless you're signing up to go out into the fight, we'll be doubling up on perimeter patrols in case they get past the front line of defense.

I'm waiting for an answer to know if we're going into lock-down, so for now just keep up patrols and stay out there until we're called in to fight or it's over. We're keeping people inside. I've been instructed that they aren't to know why, if at all possible.

I'll be in the air if you need me, but I'm not leaving the area.

I'm not supposed to say anything but - well, I'm terrible at orders. There's possibly a disturbance outside the mountain, it's being handled. I'm not fighting, but if you don't hear from me for a few hours it's cause I'm on guard duty, okay? Don't tell anybody about this yet.

If anything gets close, we may end up calling you in, Clark. Just be aware.

Feb. 2nd, 2016


Well, well. Nice little end times you got here. Figured only cockroaches were supposed to stick around in the event of nuclear genocide.

Name's Rust.

Feb. 1st, 2016


Blink and you miss it. I'd tell you all not to blink at all, but that advice is better served for another sort of confounding complication.

I'm sorry to those of you who have lost someone. Anything I can do? Apart from breaking more laws in time and space to get them back? I'm in no hurry to do that.

filter: whoverse
Starting to think I ought to check on you all on a weekly basis. Could chip you, I suppose, but I've a feeling you wouldn't be keen on that.

So, spot checks! Quite a whirlwind of absences of late by the looks of things.

Jan. 28th, 2016


I would just like to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone I was short with over the last few days. I won't say I didn't mean the things I said because that would be a blatant lie in some cases but that doesn't mean I'm not going to say sorry. I'm just glad everyone appears to be back to their correct ages now.

Jan. 27th, 2016


That wasn't funny. I forgot everyone here that matters to me.

Jan. 22nd, 2016


» My sergeant wants to evaluate my skills
» shooting, that kind of stuff.
» He's bringing someone else with him.
» Will you come watch my back?
» Don't think they're going to try anything, but in case.

Jan. 14th, 2016


GUARD GROUP BRAVO: (Betsy, Fenris, Ron Weasley, Cassie Sullivan, Jessica Jones)
Hi, everyone! I've seen some of you since we got assigned and touched base, but I wanted to do a group forum for people to chat or talk about our abilities, things we're already used to, get to know each other. I've got a schedule for everyone on their patrol locations and posts, but not much is going to change from what we were doing before, but I did change a few locations and days for people so everything is covered between us and Alpha team.

But, I'll start off! I'm Kara Danvers. Back home I also go by Supergirl, but it seems kind of ridiculous to do that here, so Kara's fine. I'm from the planet Krypton. Short version of the story is that when I was 12, my planet was in the process of being destroyed, and they sent my cousin to Earth when he was a baby. I was sent after him to help protect him, but my pod got thrown off course and I ended up in stasis for 30 years. By the time my pod landed, my cousin was already doing pretty good for himself. So I was raised by a human family until I was older and took up the mantle of Supergirl to help protect the city and occasionally, the world.

As far as abilities go, I can fly, I'm incredibly strong and agile, I'm bullet and.. well, injury proof. Most things can't pierce my skin at all. I have super hearing and x-ray vision, so I usually pull double the location from my guard post, since I can cover a lot of area without breaking a sweat. Soooo yeah. I look forward to working with you guys! I figure we're all adults and we all want this compound to succeed.

Oh! And I'm also willing to answer any questions. Or take requests! I know I got kind of wordy. I babble and over-explain when I get nervous, sorry about that.

aslkfjaljfalkfja omg someone made me a military Corporal and I'm already talking too much and one of them already glares at everything please tell me what to do to not mess this up and get fired. Discharged? Can they even discharge us? Oh god.

Jan. 11th, 2016


Just so we're clear, I'm not gonna drink the kool-aid or whatever the fuck you do with teenage girls in your weird mountain bunker. I'm not sorry about doctor guy's nuts either.

But as long as nobody fucks with me, I'll play along for now.

Mindy. Mindy Macready. Tbh, I always figured if the world went to shit, I'd be kicking zombie ass, so this is a little bit of a let down.

Jan. 10th, 2016


Who: Cassie Sullivan & Katniss Everdeen (& Annie Odair, briefly)
What: meeting, getting Cassie settled in
When: the day Cassie arrived (which was a long time ago idk super backdated)
Where: Cassie's room -> clothing makers -> back to the rooms -> mess hall
Warnings: paranoia and tension? There's a little bit of dark canon themes in both their narratives.

... )

Jan. 9th, 2016


I thought I knew too well already what war could do to a planet. I've been taken away from my duties in the middle of one myself, and my homeworld has seen more than its share of conflict in the last ten years. But the war that ravaged this planet is a kind of tragedy I've hardly dared to so much as consider possible in the past. To those of you who are native here, I'm sorry this has happened to your world. I can't imagine the loss, but to have suffered it only makes your perseverance that much more admirable.

But all this when I only meant to introduce myself.

Since my names and titles don't carry any weight here, I won't bore anyone with too many of them: I'm Padmé.

Obi-Wan has explained a little of our situation to me. I'd like to know more about each of you. With so few of us here, friendship will be invaluable. And please do let me know if we know one another already—some of you, I understand, are from far in my future.

Jan. 8th, 2016


Dead yet?

Jan. 3rd, 2016


I'm starting to wonder if this place is ever going to stop throwing surprises at us.

I'm going to see if Cassie wants to do some training this afternoon, afterwards do you want to meet in our room and just spend some time alone?

I wanted to apologize for the way I behaved the other day. It wasn't fair to attack you like that. We've all be hurt and we're all entitled to our own opinions. We're never going to see eye to eye when it comes to Grant, I know that and I don't know if I'll ever not think about what happened in San Juan when I speak to you but we're both stuck here and going to keep coming across one another so I'd like to try and at least be civil with you.

[Cassie Sullivan]
I might have a few hours spare this afternoon if you'd like to get in some extra training.


network; jessica jones (003)


Fucking dragons.


So, I'm not good at much of anything, least of all relationships. I wouldn't date me. It would be smarter if you didn't, but... I really want to go out on a date with you. Like a real, actual date. Sit down, do something fun-ish, get-to-know-you kind of deal.

Clearly nowhere fancy, though.

Dec. 26th, 2015


If anyone wants to hang out being not very festive there's some space in the corner of the library.

Dec. 25th, 2015


No alien invasion in the sky makes it rather difficult to consider this as being Christmas. Hah! Don't usually stick around Earth long enough to watch the season roll into the holiday. Didn't altogether realise it was here, but so it is. Anyway! Good talk.Things to do, got to run.

Merry Christmas!

Dec. 18th, 2015


I knew it wasn't safe here like people kept saying.

Dec. 15th, 2015


How can I change to an empty room?


So uh, anyway.

Name's not Millie. It's George. Or Georgia if you want to get technical. One of my friends used to insist on it, only it sounded more like Jaaawgeeah.

There was a whole thing, at home where I wasn't supposed to give people the real name. But I've been here long enough to see that it's alright. None of you seem crazy or whatever. So, yeah. George. Still basically grumpy cat.

Carry on about your regualr scheduled business. 


The bit I didn't want to throw out there?

I'm a Reaper. Like an actual 'It is thy time' Reaper.

I get lists. Of people scheduled to die and I take their soul before they do. And then help them cross over.

I'm telling you for a few reasons. If I have to do this here, you have to let me. Because believe me, the alternative is worse. And because you have to promise, all of you, not to ask me who is on my list. Not to ask me to stop it, not to interfere with it. Just do what you'd do anyway. If its meant to happen I'll be there when its meant to happen.

...And uh. Yeah. Emerson. I got to him on the way to the prison. Takes a touch. Just a touch. He didn't say anything really. But I can tell you the little I remember?


So I told them. Mostly cause being a Reaper on my own sucks.

Dec. 12th, 2015


Well this place is certainly never dull.

I think it's been a couple of hours since I last told you this so, Grant, I love you.

[Betsy, Coulson, Daisy]
Which one of you said something to him? I know one of you did.

[Cassie & Ringer] (Can either be one message to both or separate if she's training them separately)
I need to postpone our training for a few days.

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