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August 19th, 2015

[info]spidergirl in [info]the100

DAY ONE: My phone can't connect to Twitter or Facebook or even my cable company so I can pay my bill. Cell phone has no signal, but there's wifi here. The wifi is boooooooring with nothing on it but this network. What am I going to do without Twitter, world? How am I supposed to survive without being able to text absolutely no one? The fact that I can't is the worst part.

Day one saw me waking up in some kind of medical ward. I feel fine. A little groggy, but fine. Weirdest kidnapping ever. Most times I wake up, strapped to a chair with some weirdo standing over me talking about new world order. I have to get punchy then, so this was a nice chance of pace. Score one for the home (away?) team. Guess that depends on perspective.

Is there food? Because it had already been twelve hours since I ate before the weird kidnapping, and now I think my stomach might be trying to escape out into the world to devour DEVOUR DEVOUR.

[info]stoptheclock in [info]the100

I didn't introduce myself properly here last time, so I'm going to try again.

Herc Hansen. I was a pilot with the Royal Australian Air Force, and then a ranger with the Pan-Pacific Defense Corps. The PPDC was created to protect the cities surrounding the Pacific Ocean from the kaiju that had begun attacking us. We built a defense mechanism - jaegers - and I was a pilot for years before being forced to promoted to Marshal of the PPDC. I'd ask if there are any jaegers about, but that seems like a stupid question.

And now I'm here. Geiszler would have a field day with this traveling to another universe stuff.

[info]annewithane in [info]the100

Filter to Leadership, Tony Gates, and Beth Greene
I've been told by my midwives that until my morning sickness has passed, I would be better off working in a different area of Mount Weather. Currently, I work in the kitchens. Perhaps I can be placed with the teachers for the next few months? I do have extensive experience as a teacher, but I would very much like to return to the kitchen when I am able.

Tomorrow I will be nine weeks along in my pregnancy, and in the aftermath of the virus, I began knitting tiny little clothes and small blankets. I always thought that I would have Diana and Marilla and Mrs. Rachel Lynde to help me begin to put together my layette -- and yet here I am alone. Well, not as alone as I thought I was. But still -- alone, and quietly going mad with the idea of having to think of all the little things that I will need when Baby is born. I've looked forward to this, my first child, for so long and here it's coming, and I'm without those I love best.

I'm sorry, I'm crying over everyone this time, and that's not very nice of me because I know you all miss your families and friends, too, and that I'm not the only one who's sad and missing them.

[info]bangforyourbuck in [info]the100

WHO: Steve Rogers (MCU) & Bucky Barnes (616)
WHEN: Today!
WHERE: Arlington National Cemetery
WHAT: Steve catches up to Bucky.
WARNINGS: Bucky, clean yer mouth out.

'Siddown, if you wanna. )

[info]someonehasto in [info]the100

Librarians with tentacles...that's a new one on me.

Apparently, I should apologize for freaking people out when I broke my neck.

[Filtered to Elena]

I think we need our own place. Having roommates is getting old.
