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July 31st, 2015

[info]waytogo in [info]the100

Who: Cecil Palmer and Chris Traeger.
When: Late Friday afternoon (so slightly forward-dated).
Where: Cecil’s apartment.
What: Two guys being weird at each other. Also, herbs!
Warnings: Mental illness, likely mentions of disturbing Night Vale stuff.

So, no, he wasn't spiraling quite as badly as he could have been. But to say he was doing well... that would've been an overstatement. )

[info]pickedfirst in [info]the100

Wick decided to stop using this thing like the "superior engineer" that he is, so feel free to give him crap for being a hypocrite if you see him around and he has no idea what you're talking about.

[info]lovethecoat in [info]the100

[Filtered to Ianto]
You know what we haven't done lately?

A little naked hide and seek. This place would be prefect for it.

We could even make it a group sport.


[info]doctorfun in [info]the100

FILTER: Donna Noble
Donna. I have something I need to give you. I've been holding on to it now, and I--I rather think it's safer in your hands.

Hope! That's what I needed. Just a bit of hope. The tiniest glimmer of it, could fit it inside a box! A box in a box. A box for a box. Oh, I'm feeling mental! Could have a film made about this, you know? No, don't suppose you do know. I've not told you. I'll tell you the working title. Honey, I've Shrunk the TARDIS. Not entirely accurate. 'Twasn't me who shrunk her. No, no. That would be ridiculous. What would I go around shrinking things for anyway?

Whatever force that's brought us all here, it's got too much power if it can do this.

[info]halfterran in [info]the100

Women are confusing
Why do I even

I miss my ship. Hell, I even miss Drax. And, hell knows why I miss Drax.

[info]fadenerd in [info]the100

[Filtered to Inquisition]
How curious. Among the objects in the pod that recently dropped was the elven orb that Corypheus had. I have claimed it, of course. It appears to predate Corypheus' possession of it as it bears no signs of any foreign magic, certainly nothing like rift magic or the corruption we have seen from red lyrium.


[info]hopevandyne in [info]the100

I'll be damned. It's all true. All those theories about other universes and time being a fourth dimension that could be manipulated.

Dad was right.

Let's just pretend I never said that.

[info]featherington in [info]the100

I'm very sorry to report that for those of us who knew and liked Harry Hart, he has returned to his home. Or I assume he has, as he hasn't shown for work in some days, nor have I seen him at mealtimes. Regardless, he was always kind and courteous, and that's a very special sort of person.

I also would like to mention that the Mount Weather Book Club is meeting again tonight, and we're most likely going to finish our read-through of Fellowship of the Ring, and depending on how we feel, we may discuss it and then start The Two Towers next week, or start it and end with a discussion of the first and the beginning of the second. I'll also be taking suggestions for what we might read next, once we are finished with The Return of the King. :)

Filter to Cullen
Perhaps you will walk me back to my apartment tonight, after the meeting?

I've seen that some people have received gifts from a pod, although I haven't been one of those lucky ones. Were you?

[info]colonelrhodes in [info]the100

You know, my first thought when I woke up in this hospital was that Tony'd gone to a hell of a lot of expense just to play a joke on me. Then I was told it's not a joke, and so I'm really wondering just how many people he's pulled into this thing. So, 'fess up. How much is Tony paying you? And where in the hell did he find this set up? Somewhere in Canada?

[info]whendowestart in [info]the100

Filter: MCU Avengers
Any of you experienced anything like a second memory update?

Filter: Betsy Braddock
I have a question in regards to memories. Mostly if you'd be able to look into it and make sure its real.
