And All That Jazz
did you hear my baby's queer for all that jazz?

User: [info]buttonmantim
Date: 2008-10-06 08:42
Subject: Giuseppe
Security: Public
Tags:elsewhere, giuseppe, tim

Tim looks at the paper and nods once, then folds it and tucks it into his pocket. That was it. Nothing shows on his face or in his manner. It's a job, one just like every other one he'd gotten from his boss. Once the messenger leaves and the door closes firmly behind him, Tim pushes his untouched pie away.

He'd known it was coming from the time Giuseppe had started pushing back, looking for his own piece. Tim didn't think his brother in-law realized that not everyone played by the same rules he did. That wives and children were sancrosanct and beyond reprisal. They weren't. Tim could have followed the order, orphaned his own niece and nephew, but he'd made his sister a promise. If he didn't do this, they were in danger-all of them, but Giuseppe was family and the kids were his blood.

Bossman might look the other way for a bit, out of respect for the number of times Tim had pulled his ass out of the fire. Daniel and James sure as Hell wouldn't though. His reputation would be dust and the price on his head? Not worth thinking about. He had to buy himself some time.

Leaving the money on the diner table, Tim stands up and heads out. Once on the street, he lights a smoke and heads on foot to his brother in-law's place. They need a plan.

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User: [info]buttonmantim
Date: 2008-05-19 09:09
Subject: Open
Security: Public
Tags:club open, john, tim

Tim hasn't had time to come into The Fury in a while, his boss has been keeping him busy playing messenger boy, which although Tim does it. It's not his favorite job. Too many pissing contests which require him to keep his temper and use words instead of bullets or fists.

Despite the fact that he threatened Daniel, Tim knows that there's almost no chance he'll ever get an order to take the man down. Daniel's good and it would create waves and disrupt business and in this case? Waves were bad.

He's looking forward to a relaxing night off, gets a drink and finds an empty table. Tim lights a cigarette and exhales slowly, eyes gazing around the room checking for trouble before he relaxes a little.

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User: [info]buttonmantim
Date: 2008-05-06 15:43
Subject: Daniel and Tim
Security: Public
Tags:complete, daniel, elsewhere, tim

Where: Daniel's office
What: Discuss Saturday night and engage in a pissing contest
Rating: PGish
Warnings: none

This is my sector.

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User: [info]buttonmantim
Date: 2008-04-24 10:55
Subject: Open
Security: Public
Tags:brendon, club open, complete, tim

It's been a hell of a day and Tim's looking forward to an evening at The Fury. He makes his usual quiet entrance, taking a path that keeps him along the walls. Once he's got a bourbon in hand, he strays from his usual pattern and doesn't sit at the bar. He finds a table, where his back's to the wall and he can watch the room.

Now then, for a little entertainment.

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User: [info]buttonmantim
Date: 2008-03-30 15:02
Subject: Jensen
Security: Public
Tags:club open, jensen, tim

It's late afternoon when Tim wanders into The Fury and bellies up to the bar. His gaze runs over the crowd as he waits for his drink, noting those he knows and cataloging those he doesn't. When his glass gets there, he takes a quick swallow and exhales slowly. He hears someone walking toward the bar and looks over before he turns so that his back is not to them.

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my journal
November 2008