And All That Jazz
did you hear my baby's queer for all that jazz?

User: [info]bakers_dozens
Date: 2008-10-15 09:38
Subject: Marco- Backdated- Cafe
Security: Public
Tags:david, elsewhere, marco

David slids into the seat across from Marco, tapping his fingers against the table, then stealing Marco's coffee. It isn't a planned meeting, but it's only a day after Marco had given him the assignment so he figures he's near as expected. "Now, are you going to remember this or should I write it down?"

David clearly as a death wish.

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User: [info]scuro
Date: 2008-09-30 10:40
Subject: David's store, closed to David
Security: Public
Tags:david, elsewhere, marco

Marco knows he can find out information himself. He also knows that his ways of gathering information tend to be conspicuous.

That's why he's going to talk to David. David don't look like much, but the fella knows his onions when it comes to getting the low down on someone. Once the someone's identified - that's when Marco comes in.

A couple of words with Joseph, and Marco slips through to the back, down the hidden stairs to the cellar, leaning back against the door and folding his arms. "Marzello. The boss needs information."

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User: [info]ex_vitale280
Date: 2008-09-25 14:46
Subject: Marco- Backdated- Vitale Antiques
Security: Public
Tags:elsewhere, giuseppe, marco

It's early evening, the sun has barely set, but it's night time. Time for everything to start.
Vitale's office is a small room with a desk at the end of a long dark hall in the back of his antiques shop, crowded with papers and two chairs that don't quite fit on the other side of his desk. On his way down the hall - the only way in- Marco passes frightened looking bald accounting type, wiping his sweating brow as he moves pass Marco down the hall without ever meeting his eyes.

Giuseppe's pouring over papers on his desk, smoking his cigarette like he has a grudge against it. He doesn't t look up when he hears someone else at the door to his office. "Tell me you have something I want to hear."

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my journal
November 2008