Thank You, El Capitane!

the_con_cept posting in Thank You, Team Dragon Capitan!
User: [info]the_con_cept
Date: 2008-06-14 21:27
Subject: Watercolor!Harry
Security: Public
Tags:dragon: the_con_cept, offering: art

Artist: [info]the_con_cept

Um, I'm ashamed of myself, but I haven't been able to write anything--even a drabble. But I did do a very poor drawing of Harry, which mostly only serves to illustrate (hah, hah) the fact that I'm a better author than I am an artist. And it's not even sexy. *sigh* But it is dedicated to mon capitan, with love.Read more... )

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igtow posting in Thank You, Team Dragon Capitan!
User: [info]igtow
Date: 2008-06-13 17:33
Subject: Behind the Snarry...
Security: Public
Tags:dragon: igtow, offering: art

Genre: Humour/Crack, Wartime
Prompt: Ruined Feathers
Artist: I Got Tired of Waiting
Rating: No Rating
Summary: Just a bit of fun.
Media: ink, watercolour brush pens, prismacolours, U-Lead for touch-up

Message to Capitan: You already know where my thoughts reside. ♥ ♥


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gingertart50 posting in Thank You, Team Dragon Capitan!
User: [info]gingertart50
Date: 2008-06-07 20:09
Subject: A Drawble by gingertart50
Security: Public
Tags:dragon: gingertart50, kink: mature couple, offering: art

Title: Snape and Potter read Shakespeare
Author: Artist: [info]gingertart50
Snarry Games Prompt: Comedy of Errors
Capitan's Kink: Mature Couple
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, no money, no sue
A/N With apologies to [info]klynie1
Message to the capitan: Thanks for being a great team member, capitan, beta, writer and all-round jolly good sort! *kiss*

Go here to see the pic! (Because I still can't load pictures onto ij...)

14 dragons roared | ROOOAAAAARRRRRRR | Add to Memories | Tell a Friend | Link

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December 2013