Textual Harrassment

Text icons, tutorials, resources

September 16th, 2007

First batch of icons @ 08:06 pm

Current Mood: amused

One of these might fall under the "too clever by half" category, but...well. There you go.

Please save these images to your own webspace/userpic area, rather than hotlinking. Credit to [info]laughing_muse (or [info]lethlogica, since that's my other identity.)

Cross-posted to [info]iconmakers.

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September 10th, 2007

IJ icon/graphics communities @ 06:47 pm

Current Mood: blank

(in other words: more places to pimp out your text-masterpieces):

[info]animeicons - anime-themed icons.
[info]dwverse_icons - icons for Doctor Who and any of its spin-offs.
[info]gen_icons - general icons - no fandom or celebrity icons.
[info]graphix - larger graphics. Sister-comm to iconism.
[info]iconism - any icon, any time.
[info]iconmakers - general icons.

Before joining each community, read over its guidelines to be sure that you'll be able to post your particular icons there. Some of the above are fandom- or genre-specific comms; text icons may only be welcomed if they fit the overall comm theme.

As you find/create other graphics asylums, just let me know and I'll add them to this list.

Rules and guidelines @ 05:24 pm

Current Mood: working

What's welcome here? Banners, buttons, icons, friends-only images, wallpapers, you name it...as long as the main component is the text. Please feel free to add any of the following: tutorials on how to make text images; font resources; graphics program tips and tricks.

You may make requests - but don't be too surprised if no one takes you up on it. It's easy enough to get a graphics editing program and go to town.

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