Jun. 21st, 2008


Who: Livvy Hunt and JJ Grey
What: Talking? Picnic! :D
Where: Riverbank State Park
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating: PG-13? Nothing bad!
Status: Closed to JJ & Livvy

I have something to tell you... )

Jun. 12th, 2008


Who: Livvy Hunt and JJ Grey
What: surprise!
When: backdated to Monday afternoon
Where: Jakey's house!
Rating: PG?
Status: Maybe open to Jake, too, if Hermeh wants to throw him in later?

home sweet home! )

Mar. 8th, 2008


Who: JJ Rowley and Livvy Hunt
What: Home cooked dinner
When: Backdated to Monday night
Where: JJ's apartment
Rating: PG-13? No clue with them yet.
Status: Incomplete || Closed Thread

She's like the wind, through my trees//She likes to ride next to me, like you won't believe//She leads me to moonlight, only to burn me with the sun//Damn it, I believe she knows she's taken my heart, she doesn't know what she's done//I feel her breath on my face, her body close to me//Can't look in her eyes, she's outta my league//She's like the wind... )

Jan. 21st, 2008


Who: JJ Rowley (The Hunter from LRRH) & Livvy Hunt (The Duchess from AiW)
What: Dinner and a movie or movie and dinner... whichever first
When: Saturday night
Where: Movies and a restaurant? duh!
Rating: PG-13... tops
Status: Closed || Incomplete

How do you like them apples? )

Jan. 15th, 2008


Who: Livvy Hunt and JJ Rowley
What: random run-in
Where: Coffee House
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Rating: PG-13? Nothing bad.
Status: Incomplete | Closed

sometimes you need a caffeinated pick me up )

September 2009




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