Teatime Fans on InsaneJournal

August 16th, 2007

Teatime Fans on InsaneJournal


August 16th, 2007

Teatime fic-dump!

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So [info]atalantapendrag encouraged me to post all of my Teatime ficlets and drabbles over here.

It's... a lot of ficlets and drabbles. Be warned.

Title: Conflict Resolution
Pairing: Teatime/Carcer
Requested by: [info]tmoh
Note: I wanted to do more with this, but it just kind of... stopped. Hopefully I'll revisit it at a later date and actually DO something with it.
Conflict Resolution )

Ficlet: Parents

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Parents )

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Title: In The Eye
Pairings: None, this is ickle!Teatime
Warnings: Non-emo self-mutilation. If you have an eye squick, watch out.

In The Eye )
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