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About this community
For serious practitioners of the tarot, focusing in particular on unique and introspective uses of the art. Membership and posting are unmoderated.

February 2008
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Back February 4th, 2008 Forward
Sheta Kaey [userpic]
Why it's so quiet (on my part, at least)

I started this community because I felt IJ needed one and I had the same community at LiveJournal. However, I'm swamped most of the time with Rending the Veil (occult magazine) and various other projects, so I don't have the time to kickstart or prompt traffic here like I'd originally hoped. If anyone would like to help out by taking an active (not a silent) moderator position, please let me know as I know the community could benefit from such a moderator or two.

My email is sheta@rendingtheveil.com if anyone wishes to email me privately about the mod positions.

Mood: busy busy
Back February 4th, 2008 Forward