May 18th, 2009

[info]fathomsbelow in [info]tall_tales

It's Jewels. I might have gone overboard.

This is Bailey Anderson, eldest of the Anderson gals. She's an advice columnist, who is kind of nosey but sweet and sentimental. She's very loyal to her sisters, and if anyone says the slightest thing about them, she'll beat them up. No really. A couple of years ago, her long term boyfriend asked her to marry him, and then three months later called it off. For now he will be NPC'd by Paul Rudd, because I can XD Though if someone wanted to pick him up, y'know, sure :D Anyway, she's still kind of in love with him, and he keeps kind of dragging her along.

Then I have Leticia Delgado (Nyx) - [info]wingsofblack PB'd by Jordana Brewster. She likes to steal things with her boyfriend Ethan. They're a team, and yeah. Stealing. Woo! She's very straight forward, doesn't talk much, only a couple of words at a time. She doesn't beat around the bush at all.

Finally I have someone that some of you will know. Her name is Elisa Miller and she is the Queen from Snow White [info]bringmeherheart. PB'd by Kylie Minogue. She owns a bakery, because I am just ironic that way. Mostly she just makes cakes. Think Ace of Cakes on Food Network, that sort of thing. She's a little rough around the edges, and she's older, in her 40s. But she is.. a total slut. I can't even try to deny that she isn't. She'll sleep with anyone, pretty much, and she loves it. But she's actually one of the villains that is trying to make up for the things that she's done. So she's not all bad.

They all need plot, so anyone who wants to have known them, or already know them or .. anything. Yay :D

[info]darkesterebus in [info]tall_tales

Hello! It is I! Dan. I am amazing...though not AS amazing as Ryan and Jewels and their bring ing 3 characters each. Like whoa. Lol. Anyway. I have this boy here. He comes in already seeing someone, sorry ladies.

His name is Ethan Lovett. He is orginally from Boston. He is 33 years old, and very much your typical fun loving happy go lucky kind of guy. Always talking, mostly because he loves the sound of his own voice. Though don't worry, he is still a lier. He lies and cheats and steals from anyone he wants. After all, he is a professional thief.

Though right now he is in Seattle. Now if you want some sort of play. BY ALL MEANS, talk to me. i love people and attention. <3 My aim is shinrapower.
