April 29th, 2009

[info]venusdemilo in [info]tall_tales

Hey everybody! It's Amanda here, bringing you my second character after Eva/Beauty. This here is Kyrie Erichsen, reincarnated Aphrodite and Chicago's new resident psuedo-model socialite. She's originally from New York, and might be travelling back and forth between the two, and is just as spoiled rotten as you'd expect any only child of a well to do family to be. Kyrie's engaged to a local art dealer (anybody considering taking up Hephaestus? please?) but that doesn't keep her from having a few flings on the side whenever she feels like it. She's a very loving person, you see, and doesn't feel like monogamy suits her very well.

Anyway, I'd love to get her some threads and lines, so feel free to drop me a line either here or on atlantistic at aim!