Chatter and banter's Journal

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Monday, June 23rd, 2008
6:33 pm

Okay, I've had to come to a conclusion. Not a happy one though.

But I just do not have time to keep Taariq going.

I'd rather concentrate my attentions with another RP I am in and make sure I keep my hand in that while I am working hard.

Rather than getting stretched too thin and not be dedicated properly to either one I'm going for the one I've been playing longest.

Sorry about this. But, it never got of the ground running so, please, forgive.

I hope it doesn't put anyone out.

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Wednesday, June 18th, 2008
10:32 pm

Sorry things have been really quite of late!

I've been sick and things here have sort of ended up, plodding along. When I'm back to full health we'll see about what's going on here.

But right now, everythings on an unfortunate hiatus.

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Thursday, May 29th, 2008
10:43 am

Next day change goes up tomorrow!

Get your place holders in.

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10:36 am

Modly Notice

Now that characters are beginning to become established and people seem to have a lot going on I think I we should start thinking about some little plot bunnies. I’ll also let you know a little about what I’m hoping to achieve and my plans for our little group.

Here's what we're hoping )

If you want to ask me any questions (I’ve tried to make as much sense as I can) then drop me an email at or IM me at Linzilttl6 on AIM

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Friday, May 23rd, 2008
12:21 pm

Next day change shall be happening later! So be warned. You can still keep working on threads from previous days though.

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Monday, May 19th, 2008
7:20 pm

Hey everyone!

Sorry I've been so MIA! I would really love to get involved in this game (and Alec has been bugging me to do the same!) So I'm just posting here to let everyone know I'm back into the thick of things, and can't wait to start playing.

If anyone wants to plot or thread, please let me know! its kennedy plz is where I can be reached, or you can just drop me a line here! All of Alec's info is up in her UI!

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Thursday, May 15th, 2008
10:29 am

Okay since the threads have been tagged to I'm gonna get a day change up tomorrow!

So put up any place holders if you need them.

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Sunday, May 11th, 2008
10:39 pm

I'm not gonna throw up a day change until there's a little more posting and tagging.

A few open threads up for people to tag in to!

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Sunday, May 4th, 2008
6:16 pm

Sorry for not being around a lot the past few days. Between an ear infection that has decided to turn into a bleeding ear and working on something, I just haven't been up for a lot of action. I'll get caught up tomorrow (hopefully the server move will be over by then) and try and be on AIM.

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Wednesday, April 30th, 2008
9:59 pm

y hullo thur! My name is Abby, and I'm bringing you Oliver Maddock. He's been with the Taariq for two years as their liaison officer & well... all the other interesting bits about him can be found in his journal. I'm really hoping to work out some relationships with anyone who has a character that works for the ship, as I feel like he would have made a few being that he's been on the ship for a while now. If you have any ideas for our characters.. let me know! My sn is alertedyou, but I probably won't be on much this week thanks to exams next week. Your best bet would probably be to leave something here or email me at Very excited to be here! Can't wait to finally get to meet everyone! :)

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10:30 am

It’s that time again. You need to get any place holders up for this game day. I’ll wait until Thursday to do the day change however this time.

One more notice. I will not be about at the weekend. But it will only be for Saturday and Sunday night I’m not around. So things may get a little sporadic with the day changes and updates for the moment. Hopefully once I’m back we’ll get in to a nice pattern and regular updating. But this weekend I’m off to London to go and enjoy myself.

So there shall be a short hiatus for me. But, please, enjoy yourself while I’m away. No destroying the ship though! Okay, think that is it for now.

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12:31 am

Hey guys! I just wanted to let ya'll know that I'm going to try really hard to not be around this week and next. Yea, I know that sounded REALLY bad, but I don't think you understand the absolute EVILNESS of my final two weeks of freshman year.
I have an English paper due, that involves researching a poem that has so little critique done on it, I actually thought it didn't exist, or there was a typo in my text. due Thursday
I have a super evil math project due Monday that involves me organizing the heck out a bunch of data, and then doing nasty stuff to it (like making box plots, and a fit text with 95% confidence, only scraping the surface.
Than I have a Library Science fake research paper to due. I have to do the research, and than analyze it all. due next Wednesday.
plus exams.....
SO! I will be around, but seriously, I need ya'lls help in staying on track with all this bull....because this is actually my major procrastination tool.

EDIT: So, for my paper, nothing is done but my works cited page, BUT my englih proficency portfolio is practically done, just gotta write a fake letter to a fake boss...yay for lame assignments!
Also, my math project? Though it is kicking my ass, I have found that when I get i the zone....I get there GOOD. I only have about 4 more things to do for it!
...and nothing for library science becasue I didn't go this week......YAY

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Monday, April 28th, 2008
5:07 pm

Some more picture happy times people. )

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Sunday, April 27th, 2008
11:33 pm

Okay, next day change is gonna happen tomorrow!

Get your placeholders up now if you need them! You can keep threads going from days previous still.

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Friday, April 25th, 2008
1:10 am

Hey everyone! I'm a new player to the game, and I come in bringing a new character (obviously!) This is Alecia, more commonly known as Alec, and she's the resident engineer on the ship! She is PB'd by the lovely Jessica Biel.

So Alec is a little bit hardcore. She's always on the go, and is pretty much a rough-and-tumble type of gal. Never runs away from a fight. Can be a little reckless and doesn't like to listen to advice. Likes to kick some ass on occassion. She's loyal like hell, though, and great to have in a jam. Loves machines and loves to make them work.

Plot line are needed! The rest of her info is in her userinfo, so feel free to contact me or drop me a line here to do some plotting!

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12:12 am - pictures pour vous

“Picture )

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Thursday, April 24th, 2008
10:16 am

I'm going to do the day change tomorrow so get up any place holders you'll be needing!


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Sunday, April 20th, 2008
10:29 pm

Right, for the first day on the Taariq I'm going to leave posting for that day available for a whole week! Just so we can get enough interaction and so people can get to posting.

Then after that each day change will be 48 hours real time.

Or, if anyone has any ideas on what could work better then please just let me know.

Day to Day changes.
Week to Week changes.
Even Month to Month?

What does everyone think would be best?

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Thursday, April 17th, 2008
12:27 pm

Posting is now Open for Taariq!
If you would like any ideas for posting just reply here and we can all discuss! I'll hopefully get some threads started up myself tonight for everyone. So enjoy! Hoorah.

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Thursday, April 3rd, 2008
6:18 pm

Characters )

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