Jun. 6th, 2010


Fic: Chuck vs. The LifeTime Original Movie 1-5/5 Chuck/Superman Returns

Title: Chuck vs. The LifeTime Original Movie.
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Chuck or Superman Returns.
Characters: Chuck, Shaw/Superman, Lois, Ellie
Words: 10,110
Prompt: Destitute after Stanford, Chuck is on the streets of Metropolis.
Fandom: Chuck/Superman Returns
Pairing: Chuck/Shaw (Clark-Superman)
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Sex, Violence, Bitchy Lois, Gay!Chuck.
Summary: Three days in Metropolis is a lifetime for Chuck. Especially when he finds himself caught up in a real life Damsel-in-Distress situation.
Author's Note: Pre-Chuck/Pre-Superman Returns. Surprise twist epilogue!
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Oct. 11th, 2009


Fic: Chuck vs. The Yellow Brick Road 1/1 Chuck

Title: Chuck vs. The Yellow Brick Road.
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Chuck.
Characters: Chuck, Awesome, Ellie, Casey, and Bryce.
Words: 5440
Prompt: Chuck wakes up engaged to Awesome, no one finds this strange.
Fandom: Chuck
Pairing: Chuck/Awesome, Mentioned Ellie/Awesome.
Rating: Adult
TimeLine: Post Season 2 Finale.
Warnings: Language, Sexual Situations, Violence, Little OOC.
Summary: It's not a house, but when it lands on Chuck, he's still sent to a far away and colorful land.
Author's Note: This is not a crack fic.
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