December 6th, 2008

[info]sweet_melinda in [info]sw_authors


Hello all!

I've put up a thread for Melinda's party for Saturday evening. It's located HERE.

There are three sections - arrivals, party, and go home. This is so we have a bit of organization, but also so people who can't tag in tonight, can still arrive at the party "on time". Feel free to start your own threads within those sections, etc. etc. Any questions, direct them to me!


Remember, all are welcome - she announced this in the journal, so anyone with a journal, anyone who knows someone with a journal, anyone who knows someone who knows someone with a journal are invited, not to mention co-workers, friends, etc. She's probably invited half of the wizarding world!

Oh - and she's asked that everyone bring a bit of alcohol to contribute to the party.
