Aug. 13th, 2007



If you have any questions, please ask them here.

1: What is the posting format?

Subject line: Fic/Art, Title, (Fandom, Claim, Theme set, Prompt Number)

In the body of it:

Link to Archive Post

All ratings and all fandoms/pairings are welcomed. If it's more than 100 words, please put it behind a lj-cut

As long as those are included, you may add as much more information as you desire.

2: Can I post more than one chapter in a post?

I request that every theme have its own post. It just makes things easier to keep track of.

3: Tagging? Archive post?

If you would be so kind, I ask that you provide an archive post on the com itself, and make sure that as you add chapters and/or stories, you make sure that they are linked. That way, if someone decides they want to read the rest of the story, it's easy to find. Make sure to add a link to the post.

Also, tagging is a very useful tool. When you are accepted, I'll make you an author tag, a fandom tag, and a tag of which prompt set you are using.

4: Do I have to do the prompts in order?

Nope. All we request is you do them all. Mix up the order all you want. If you want, you can even make more chapters than what you have prompts for. Just make sure to link them with a note saying it's a promptless chapter, but goes with the rest of the story.

5: What about crossovers and such?

Everything is welcomed. Crossovers, original stuff, non-canon verses of characters. As long as it's a single series/story. Want to write about Cloud from FFVII and Harry Potter having drinks? Go for it. Want to make Cloud a girl while it happens, welcome aboard. Anything is welcomed. All we ask is you make sure to have everything marked.

6: Deadlines?

Not at the moment. If you are anything like most people, distraction is your friend. The com will be poked randomly with a "Is anyone alive out there?" post on occasion. Just respond to that and let us know, and everything is good.
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