Jan. 18th, 2010


Archive post five set 1

Title: (untitled yet)
Author/Artist: [info]perfectedweapon
Fandom: Resident Evil (Game canon 10 years after RE3)
Claim: Sherry Birkin / Leon Kennedy / Chris Redfield
Themeset/Prompt: Five Set 01
Theme Set: Five Set 01

1. Blood
2. Food
3. Sand
4. Serpent
5. Lies

Ratings: (Unknown yet will edit when needed)

Nov. 17th, 2009


Archive Post: Five Set 01

Title: Four Times the Job Went Bad, and One Time It Didn't
Fandom: Devil May Cry
Claim: Dante/Cat
Author: [info]jlsigman
Theme Set: Five Set 01

01: Blood
02: Food
03: Sand
04: Serpent
05: Lies


Nov. 13th, 2009


FFVII: Mercverse: Thirty Set 01: Archive

Dain af Niohoggr
01. Blood 02. Lost 03. Paper 04. Mark 05. Clean
06. Fog 07. Alone 08. Fever 09. Groom 10. Hunt
11. Comfort 12. Impossible 13. Spell 14. Eyes 15. Family
16. Summon 17. Taste 18. Words 19. Rent 20. Spar
21. Crash 22. Outwards 23. Balance 24. Light 25. Near
26. Scribbles 27. Flash 28. Shadows 29. Grains 30. Slot

12/30 chapters, 23,057 words


Those are the individual chapters on IJ.

Here is the fic on Dreamwidth.

Oct. 11th, 2008


Archive Post Courtship

Title: Courtship
Fandom: FFVII Cetra Restoration AU
Claim: Aris/Zack
Author: [info]jessara40k
Theme set: Twenty set 2

01: Food 02: Lies 03: Fantasy 04: Whole 05: Photo
06: Stop 07: Shock 08: Chocolate 09: Ball 10: Alone
11: Comfort 12: Assist 13: One 14: Quiet 15: Summon
16: Shadows 17: Together
18: Thoughtful ‘19: Search 20: Choice

“You’re better off looking for a spouse, I’ll help and we can start while everyone’s distracted by Cloud’s courtship. But for now why don’t we take a bath together, and get ready to eat with the Triumvirate without letting them know what we’re planning?”

‘Access currently restricted to healer caste high nobility.’ That was all he needed, or had a legal right to search for, and Zack inserted the pen drive he’d brought with him as he indicated that yes, he wanted to continue.

“No, but he’s got a consort, a pure human called Lazard.” Although Zack wondered if it might be better for Aeris’ spouse to have a consort of his own after all, so that he’d expect less of Aeris’ attention.

“My lady, you wished my presence?” Zack swept a deep curtsey and waited, holding his position, to see how she reacted, what she wanted of him.

“Lazard, I’m curious about how all of you ended up as consorts, so would you like to start us off?”

“You want me to approach them, and ask to dance, rather than hint or wait for them to ask me?” Zack looked to locate his targets as Aeris pushed him into a turn, noting how they treated their consorts without trying to analyse it now.

“You’re right. And the point of that dinner was to eliminate two of them as options, wasn’t it?”.

“I’m...not entirely happy with the reason Aeris asked you to come here. I know it’s necessary, but it makes me uncomfortable.” Even though he’d pushed for it.

Apr. 21st, 2008


(Whimsical Edge & the Phantom Brigade) Archive Post

Title: Whimsical Edge & the Phantom Brigade
Fandom: Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2
Claim: Gabrio x Edge x Leki x Orca
Set: Fifteen Set 02
Warnings: Y-a-o-i
Summary: It started off as a small skirmish; it led to Edge causing Cliff Village whole new problems. Now he must track down a band of mysterious miscreants and put an end to their mischievous ways...

(extra note: for those who played SN:SS2, Gabrio=Gabriel, Edge=Edgar, Leki=Loki, and Orca=Orin. I'm using their JPN names.)

Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2 | Gabrio/Edge/Leki/Orca
01.Home 02.Scent 03.Shell 04.Master 05.Rock
06.Pause 07.Bite 08.Death 09.Thoughtful 10.Strangers
11.Together 12.Media 13.Insert 14.Case 15.Glass

Chapters will go in order with the themes.

Jan. 9th, 2008


Archive Post

Title: Hello to Tomorrow, Goodbye, Yesterday (the title is still pending. I suck so bad at titles.)
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts (Children of Darkness AU)
Character: Kairi (Riku Replica [Nisemono]/Kairi throughout, Marluxia/Kairi, Namine/Kairi, and Selphie/Kairi in a lot of places)
Set: Ten set 04
Warnings: Not sure yet, but there will be violence and odd imagery.
Summary: After it is discovered that Kairi is not what she seems, a familiar enemy steps back into the scene, and this time, Kairi has to define and shape her own "destiny"
A/N: This may well be continued after I finish the prompts. Yeah. Also, all chapters will be posted to [info]rubyfruit_taste.

Rubyfruit's Sucky Table Attempt, Take One. )

Jan. 8th, 2008


[title pending] Archive Post

Title: pending (I always have the worst time thinking up titles. D:)
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist, AU anime ending twist
Claim: Mostly gen, kinda Al-centric, but also Ed/Riza. I dunno.
Author: [info]emilie_burns
Theme Set: Thirty set one.
Warnings: Not sure yet, but I tend to write rather graphically and don't pull my punches. This will be updated as need for actual warnings arise.
Summary: Mustang wasn't victorious against Pride, but with Dante's demise, the homunculus knew he needed another talented alchemist who could take her place. The amnesiac younger Elric brother fit the bill nicely.

Read more... )

Aug. 18th, 2007


FIC Aftermath - Archive Post

Title: Aftermath
Author: [info]occhi_bella
[info]story_arc Set: 15-03
Fandom: Sleepy Hollow (movie)
Character: Ichabod Crane
Rated: M
Warning: Non-explicit implications of rape and incest. Spoilers
Disclaimer: Sleepy Hollow and its characters do not belong to me. I make no money from this.

Summary: Ichabod departs for New York with Katrina and Young Masbath, but their journey is delayed by unexpected complications. Picks up at the part where the Hessian disappears into the Tree of the Dead for the last time with Lady Van Tassel.

1. Apology 2. Assist 3. Fever 4. Snow 5. Alone
6. Eyes 7. Lies 8. Blood 9. Mark 10. Lost
11. Paper 12. Spell 13. Unexpected
14. Shock 15. Comfort

Aug. 16th, 2007


Spouse Archive Post

Title: Spouse
Fandom: FFVII Cetra Restoration AU, to be found here
Claim: Cloud Strife
Author: [info]jessara40k
Theme Set: Five set 05
Warnings: slavery, uke-Sephiroth, slash threesome at least implied, strongly implied femslash
Summary: Cloud decides that it's time he should take a spouse, and starts by considering the candidates the Trimvirate put forward for him.

Serpent Apology Paper Shock Guard

“We’re due to do a cull of the Midgar Zolom fairly soon. I think that it would be appropriate if Rowan was paired with me for that. Arrange it.”

“My intent was to offer the same insult to you as you did to me, bringing a companion who knows me and has shared my bed when we are considering one another as spouses. Insulting Sephiroth was not part of my plan, so an apology was needed.” Cloud didn’t say anything further, allowing Rowan to hear what Sephiroth was saying to her concubine.


“Yes, I...it’s just, as I was signing those papers with her it really hit me.” He looked at Sephiroth, worry clear in his eyes. “I’m committed now, she agreed to a clause that makes interfering with each other’s households, including inflicting any form of abuse on consort or concubines, grounds for divorce and that was the last stumbling point. Now the only way I can back out is if she does something I could declare feud over.”

Cloud couldn't say anything for a moment from the shock, then he turned to Sephiroth and saw that shock mirrored on his face.

“So, we need to decide which of my guards I should ask to be my spouse.”


Indenture Archive Post

Title: Indenture
Fandom: FFVII Cetra Restoration AU, to be found here
Claim: Elena
Author: [info]jessara40k
Theme Set: Ten set 02
Warnings: slavery, slash threesome at least implied, explicit het and femslash
Summary: Another look on slavery in the Cetra Restoration universe, covering how Elena ended up in Cloud's harem from her viewpoint and her life as one of his concubines.

Groom See Pain Hunt Change
Learn Comfort Perverse Assist Country

01. “Yes, sweet sixteen. I can get a job now.” If she could find one. Or she could sign consent for Lucy to sell her into indenture slavery.

02. “Elena, I wanted a chance to convince you to change your plans. The preliminary contract we drew up at your sister’s request satisfies her specifications, but I think you’d make a good concubine.”

03. “You’ll recover. When she comes to get you tell Sarah I said you could have a Potion.”

04. By the time she was up to looking around at the scenery they’d left the city and were riding through the countryside, over a meadow towards a small forest.

05. “What makes you think you can’t contact your family? Rowan won’t mind, ask her the next time your together, and she’ll probably send your letter with the next set of messages she dispatches to Midgar. And if you can’t wait for that, or you don’t have time to write everything you want, you can use your allowance to pay for it to be posted separately.” Scarlet’s confidence and the way she acted as if Elena’s wistful regret was nothing but a fairly common request comforted Elena, a lot.

Rowan Interlude. “Elena, is there something you want to talk to me about?” From the way she stiffened Rowan had hit on the right question, but...perhaps she’d been a bit too blunt. “I won’t be angry with you, or at least I’ll try not to be angry. And if I am I promise the most I’ll do is dump you on the bed and walk out of here.”

Scarlet Interlude. “Hello Elena. What are you working on now?” She’d given quite a few of her earlier efforts as gifts to the other concubines, but Scarlet was the only one who got to see everything her surprisingly talented lover carved from her gems, including her efforts with the garnets Rowan had given her when she said she was ready to try something other than quartz.

06. There was no point in protesting the way she was being more or less ignored, and for a moment Elena wished she hadn’t pushed Blake away; at least his tongue had helped distract her while she was being groomed to Scarlet’s satisfaction.

07. She shivered, trying to control her apprehension and considering just how perverse a sense of humour the Planet must have.

08. “You three go and get the rest of Elena’s things. Elena, you can unpack later, and put everything up in the wardrobe, for now you need to get measured for new formalwear and a new collar and cuffs. I’ll show you where.”

09. “I’m not sure. You might be better learning from someone else, someone with more experience. Ronan?” Tseng turned to the guard he’d been sparring with, sounding as if he was expecting the man to take over.

Cloud Interlude. “Brangwen?” He frowned down at her, wondering what he’d done wrong this time.

10. “Nowhere in particular. It’s just...Brangwen likes hunting me down before we...”

Brangwen Interlude. “Fold your hands at the back of your neck, and keep them there until I tell you otherwise.” Brangwen obeyed, interlacing her fingers behind her neck and resting her thumbs against her shoulders while Elena moved forward, reaching up to kiss her lightly and then stepping back just far enough to slip her hand between their bodies and rest it on Brangwen’s groin.

11. She twisted around in his arms, so that his cock was pressed against her belly instead of her hip and bit her lip, trying to decide if he needed his sleep badly enough that she should ignore this chance, probably her only chance, to discuss the desire she’d seen in his eyes sometimes when he looked at her.

12. “Cloud wants me to make at least five visits to the slave trading hall before I decide I won’t find anyone. He wants me to make an effort to find someone for when I give birth but if I don’t find anyone it is acceptable for him to formally announce that he’s sharing you with me. I...that is if you want that?” There were implications in Brangwen’s words that Elena wasn’t quite catching, although she did understand that Brangwen would put far more effort into her search to replace Elena if she said no she wasn’t quite sure why Brangwen was acting as if this was some sort of life changing decision.

Lucy Epilouge. “I’ll get the door Lucy!” She had to laugh and agree to let Wilhelmina get the door, her little sister had been so excited at the prospect of seeing Elena again that it wasn’t really a surprise she jumped up on hearing the doorbell.

Aug. 13th, 2007


Yugioh, Mai/Joey, Fifteen set three, Archive Post

Lies Blood Apology
Lost Photo Paper
Disk chocolate Wet
Alone Comfort Groom
Eyes Touch Nightmares

In chapter order: 1.)Alone, 2. Lost


FFVII, Zack Fair, Ten Set 04, Archive Post

Author/Artist: GW Katrina aka [info]icedark_elf
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Claim: Zack Fair
Themeset: Ten Set 04

01. Watch 02. Fever 03. Alone 04. Groom 05. Country
06. Change 07. Quiet 08. Eyes 09. Touch 10. Snow

01. Alone
02. Change
03. Fever
04. Eyes
05. Watch
06. Country
07. Touch
08. Groom
09. Quiet
10. Snow