Dec. 5th, 2009


{ Shawn / Krycek } ;; Straight away you just moved into position again

WHO: Shawn "Gullible" Farrell and Alex "Arntzen" Krycek
WHAT: Time to deliver the payload
WHEN: Evening
WHERE: Outside Shawn's building, then on the road
WARNINGS: As it turns out, Krycek's a big meanie.

So you're a kind who deals with the games in the mind. Well, you confused me in a way that I've never known. You confuse me in a way that I've never known. )

Nov. 6th, 2009


{ Adam / Elle } ;; Today until eternity

WHO: Adam Monroe and Elle Bishop
WHAT: Bored out of his immortal mind.
WHEN: He's losing track.
WHERE: Basement of Hartsdale
WARNINGS: Diabolical plans and hotness within.

I believe I can see the future, cause I repeat the same routine. I think I used to have a purpose. But then again, that might have been a dream. )


{ Ben / Richard } ;; Do you look at me the way you did back then, do you feel the same again?

WHO: I'm Ben Linus and Richard Is Always There
WHAT: Almost like the old days
WHEN: The late night/early morning
WHERE: Wouldn't you like to know?
WARNINGS: See "who". This thread promises too much awesome.

Our chief weapon is surprise. Surprise and fear. Fear and surprise - our two weapons are fear and surprise. And ruthless efficiency. We're more cunning than you thought. )