June 2013



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Jun. 28th, 2013


Post Graduation Mingling

That's it, they've GRADUATED!



The students sat in their seats, playing with their navy and white caps and gowns. Some turned to wave to friends and family, some whispered with classmates sitting near them, and some slouched in their chairs, ready for the ceremony to start.

It had taken four years, some felt like the time had passed in no time at all, others felt it had dragged out forever. All the winter lodge trips, boy toy auctions, homecomings, proms, dances, parties. The trips to Disney World, California, Australia. The hook ups, the break ups, the scandals. This class had been through a lot together, and this was it. The end. Graduation.

Feb. 5th, 2013


weeknight boredom

Woody slumped into his bed, his head clanging against his headboard - but not too hard. "So what do you want to do, boss?" He asked, staring pointedly at Trevor, who was sitting in his desk chair.

"Weeknights are always so boring in the 'brook." He continuing, shrugging his shoulders.

Dec. 7th, 2012


Woody laid back on his bed, his head against the wood frame of his headboard. His room was messy, as always, and his mom continuously bugged him to clean it. And every time his mother bothered him to, his Grandpa Teddy would reply with a, "Oh leave him alone, Jilly, he is seventeen years old."

He was so lucky to have such a cool grandpa who always took his side of the matter. Kicking the messy cover and sheet to the bottom of the bed, with his still shoe-ed feet, he grinned at Trevor.

"Sorry about the mess." He wasn't sure why he was apologizing, with all the times Trevor had come to his house over the years, he should be used to it by then, but he apologized anyway as he surveyed the extent of his mess. Clothes were spewed everywhere, glasses that used to hold water or pop were on most of the surfaces - and would be there until his mother came in to reclaim them - and papers from all the times he messed up his Calculus homework were thrown about.

He shrugged.

Sep. 27th, 2012


Trevor had finally gotten over his writers block -- what a relief -- and was currently still avoiding working on his portfolio by having a piece of chocolate cream pie from Thelma's. He spotted one of his classmates and waved them over.

Aug. 17th, 2012


Brisbane: Day one

Dinner at Ahmets

Jul. 24th, 2012


Trevor Gets In Claudia's Way

Claudia had picked up a part-time gig at the local art museum and, while she was only working the information desk for the time being, she was painting as often as possible for that blessed moment when she had an exhibit there. The time was coming. She could feel it. Even though Claudia wasn't a morning person at all, she went to Miller Park as early as possible to paint the gazebo before too many people obstructed the view. She was sitting on a park bench, her easel set up in front of her, when she noticed Trevor Sandbourne standing near the gazebo.

"Trevor!" she called out, waving her paintbrush wildly in the air.