June 2013



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Nov. 30th, 2012


Sheila put her lunch tray down next to Hannah's and sat in the seat saved for her.

"Is it Christmas break yet?" She asked, opening her water.

"I need a holiday."

Jul. 30th, 2012


Andi's (somewhat lame and not so) birthday bash

Andi was excited to bring over the cheerleaders. It had been a while, and she had missed seeing her friends every day. Her grandmother had been reluctant to let her bring the crowd over on her birthday, because 'On birthdays seventeen year olds get drunk'. Andi sighed inwardly. She appreciated that she had somebody who cared about her but she didn't want to be smothered like this. Rosa had finally agreed to let Allen-Marie chaperone, and thus Andi had finally let her hair down. She'd arranged for a friend of her sister's to get some beer and wine, and she was ready. Now she was just waiting for her friends to arrive.

Jul. 29th, 2012


Birthday bash?

To: All the cheerleaders at SHS
Subject: Andi's birthday

Do you want to come over tomorrow and have icecream or carrots? Feel free to smuggle in alcohol BUT IT HAS TO BE CONCEALED. You have all been to my house, you know the rules. RSVP here ASAP. Sorry so last minute, it legit took me two weeks to convince the nazi.

Xoxo Andi Noelle

Jul. 17th, 2012


Hannah had just gotten off work, but she didn't feel like going home, not yet. Despite the fact that she looked really rough - she had ketchup on her shirt from where she'd been bumped into at work and flour visible all over her black pants, she walked along downtown until she reached the Rosebud. She chose a table by the window and sat, ignoring the numerous wads of paper and straw wrappers on the seat beside her. The waitress walked up and she ordered herself a coffee. After the waitress had come and left, Hannah felt as if she was being watched. She looked cautiously around until she caught the eye of her watcher.

Jun. 8th, 2012


Junior Prom 2012

Let the Junior Prom of 2012 begin!

May. 23rd, 2012


Malik was about to leave school when he remembered he hadn't asked anyone to be his prom date yet, he thought he had better get in quick otherwise all the cheerleaders would be gone. He thought about Hannah, gorgeous, fun and gorgeous, so he went looking for her. He saw her across the quad, walked over and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey Hannah," he said casually sitting down on the table and chairs she was leaning over.