Echo Prophet
Welcome to Echo. Come on in to Cutty's, if you can make it in the door past Sev and Max. Take a table and Allie or Harry will be around soon enough to take your order. Damon's at the bar waiting to serve you up a fine spirit, a draft or whatever tickles your fancy. If not and you need a sympathic ear. Grant just might come out of Damon's office to sit with you.

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Jul. 30th, 2010 @ 01:57 am Fic: Country Boy Can Survive

Title: Country Boy Can Survive

Authors: sevs_lil_secret and unbroken_halo

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and Company belong to JK Rowling. No copyright infringement is meant.

Characters: Damon and Grant Wolffe, Jason Summers, Severus and Harry Snape.

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Damon gets acquainted with Sev’s new employee, trying to discern the truth from the rumours

Warnings: Language

AN: Here you have a little bit of a back story on Jason, whom several of you have asked about. Jason is a very proud young man and we hope this shows that.

A note for our readers that are not familiar with certain terms. A holler is a low spot between two or more ridges, almost like a small valley. To carry someone home would be to give them a ride and snickerdoodles are wonderful, puffy, old fashioned sugar cookies.

Country Boy Can Survive By Hank Williams Jr. )
Grant's Gossip