Star Wars Fanfiction - March 20th, 2008

User: [info]starwars_fic (posted by [info]elkes_obsession)
Date: 2008-03-20 18:46
Subject: fic: Dark Offering (adult content)
Security: Public

Fandom: Star Wars (set post-RotJ)
Title: Dark Offering
Author: [info]elke_tanzer on IJ and JF
Rating: adult content
Summary: A master-less apprentice and long, restless nights of intense dreams and confused desires.
Warnings: Pain/pleasure confusion and a naked Jedi.
Disclaimer: If I were George Lucas, these movies would have been quite different, but sadly, I own nothing. No copyright infringement or offense intended.
Critiques: Only if the spirit really moves you, since this was already published in the Con*Strict 2007 zine. It's timed out now, so I can post it on the web. Feedback is always welcome, of course!

Notes: This story stemmed from the ideas that Luke is a sub without a dom, a padawan without a master, and that from one very, very intense experience, he might extrapolate incorrectly that physical/mental intensity is closely associated with the dark side only, exiled from the light. Alas for the master-less apprentice.

Dark Offering )

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