Star Wars Fanfiction - October 21st, 2007

Jarkai Fiction and Graphics posting in Star Wars Fanfiction
User: [info]starwars_fic (posted by [info]jarkai)
Date: 2007-10-21 20:24
Subject: Consumed 3/5 (Star Wars, Ani/Obi, 1,361 Words)
Security: Public

Fandom: Star Wars
Title: "Puncturing This Skin" / Consumed - Part 3 of 5 (1,361 Words)
Author: [info]jarkai_fic on LJ / [info]jarkai everywhere else
Beta: [info]legolad
Theme(s): (For 30_somethings on Insanejournal, Nights: #15, Moonlight)
Pairing/Characters: Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi
Rating: Mature - previous part contains character death, violent imagery, and sexual situations
Disclaimer/claimer: AU, but heavily influenced by Matthew Stover's adaptation of Revenge of the Sith
Critiques: Yes
Summary: Sometimes the 'ghost of the past' is more than just a metaphor.
Like everything in this wretched place, the music box had appeared almost before my eyes. )

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