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Out of Character

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Yello [Jul. 24th, 2009|01:52 am]
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Hi Guys,

I hope everyone had a good week, TGIF. I've spent a lot of time redoing the ship info page, so make sure and check it out. The other pages linked from there are a work in progress, however, the decks page is complete! No more guessing where everything is! =) (Thanks to the other Dan for helping me). So feel free to start using deck numbers in your posts or think about where your character may live. Reply here for comments or suggestions

As far as the plot, I know a lot of you are bored, so sometime within the next few days the ship will arrive at its destination and I assure you there will be plenty to write about. Also, Ranul, the second officer/chief science officer will now absorb the duties of the chief operations officer (like Data). So be prepared for that change.

One last thing, I'd like to remind all of you that there are posting requirements in this game that I tend to enforce. Please post at least once a week in IC or OOC. I don't like having to track people down, so please be proactive. There is always something to write about when you use your imagination, you just have to take the initiative. Okay I'm done being mean.

Have a good weekend guys.

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Date Confusion [Jul. 9th, 2009|03:17 pm]
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Just a reminder guys, the current in-game date is April 5th. Anyone who labeled their threads on the 6th needs to change it. The ship hasn't left dock just yet and people are still coming aboard for the first time. The date will progress here shortly. Sorry for the confusion.

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