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[Jul. 12th, 2009|01:10 pm]

Hey, all! I just wanted to let you know (especially you, Sondre) that I'm having a severe bout of lack of inspiration so my tags are going to be...slow. I'm not going to call hiatus because I'm sure I WILL post, hopefully soon.

I need to...draw or write fanfiction to get going again. But I'm here! <3
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Intro~ [Jul. 1st, 2009|05:08 pm]
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Hey, everyone! It seems there's only a couple of us thus far, but that's still cool! I'm Jayden, and I'm super excited to be here! I'm a newbie Trekkie, but it's such a great fandom to be part of! I watched some Star Trek as a wee child when they played reruns on some channel or another. I'm 19, undergraduate earning my BA in Theatre Production. I don't act. It frightens me. I build the costumes, occasionally they have me work on scenic painting.

Anyway~ I bring you Leon P'rranka! He is your 1/2 Caitian-1/2 Human (we think) maintenance engineer. He's a pretty handy guy most of the time, so don't feel afraid to ask him to fix something for you. He's also a goofball so all serious-type character, beware, he may get on your nerves! Leo makes a ton of faces and is very dramatic, trying only his hardest to be a lovable kind of dude.

I can't wait to play with you guys! Lets start this!
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