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Soothing the Savage Beast... [Jul. 24th, 2009|04:44 pm]
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[Mood |crazy]

Who: Steren, her fiddle and Open
Date: The early morning hours of April 10th
Where: Officer's Lounge
What: Venting frustration via musical instrument. Feel free to interrupt her!
Rating: G for now.
Status: In Progress

It was, as it as on every ship, the little things that got to her. By this point in her career, the several ships having passed her off on each other in remarkably quick succession, Steren liked to think she'd learned to deal with little things, after all, she had to, as a Starfleet officer, hadn't she and she'd been doing it this whole time. Fairly well, she thought, in spite of what at least a few ship's counselors and other associated Starfleet shrinks had told her about her "tendency toward violent action" or whatever they had termed it during each evaluation.

continued )
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[Jul. 19th, 2009|10:40 pm]
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Who: T'Vraeya Dalzen, OPEN
Earth Date: April 7, 2382
Where: Public hallway in the ship, en route to one of the bars
What: T'Vraeya is lost in thought
Rating: PG
Status: In Progress

Building theories from facts )
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[Jul. 13th, 2009|10:44 pm]
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Who: Sebastian Caine and Christopher Hansen
Earth Date: April 5, 2382, evening
Where: USS Odyssey, Informal Crew Lounge
What: An informal run-in
Rating: PG R... and going *cough* for sexual references
Status: In Progress

Apparently there was some obscure protocol that made it objectionable for non-military personnel to be quizzed in such a manner. )
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