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May. 9th, 2008


Ru Paul Charles//RuPaul: 47 Icons

Ru Paul Charles, known better as RuPaul. My childhood drag queen. Ms. "You can call me he. You can call me she. You can call me Regis and Kathie Lee; I don't care!" herself. I just love this interview, where she really gets into his philosophy, about everything really. Also, I recommend "But I'm A Cheerleader". He does a great job, and that movie is just filled with awesome.

Not a lot of icons, as it was hard to find images of a decent quality. In fact, I'm unsure about some of these icons for that very reason. But until such time as I can get my hands on either decent pics, or videos that I can screencap, this is what I can come up with. :P (Well technically, the day I uploaded these icons onto imageshack, I found another website to plunder, however, it's one of those where I'll have to do it image by image. I delayed this set for a while to add those, but honestly, I'm impatient. And I'm already planning on doing another set anyhow.) If you're aware of something I can hunt down, feel free to drop a comment here. I'll be sure to credit you for pointing me that way in any resulting sets.


As usual, comments are awesome. Credit [info]spookicons or [info]spookycandy if you are using them.
To The Icons! )

Mar. 22nd, 2008


David Keith//Andy McGee: 86 Icons

Firestarter ftw. <3 Andy McGee! Working with these icons has reminded me how much I dislike the sequel--despite not seeing the whole thing. It just doesn't seem to have a lot of what I love about this one. Like... oh, the emotion. Or the power of the 80's. Anyway, one day I'd love to see Andy McGee make it into a pan-fandom game. Or kid-Charlie. Or even a grown-up Charlie using Drew Barrymore as her PB.

That would make me happy.

Anyhow, I made these icons using my own screencaps. I still have them lying around, so if you want a banner or the like, feel free to comment. I am also considering making icon sets for the other characters, like the old couple, perhaps. They rock.


As usual, comments are awesome. Credit [info]spookicons or [info]spookycandy if you are using them.
To the Icons! )


Erica Abi Wright//Erykah Badu: 80 Icons

Erica Abi Wright, better known as Erykah Badu. Have I mentioned I want to marry her? I can't believe I took so long to put this up. Probably because of pesky marks on some of the pictures I got, and my dogged determination to get to 100 icons. :P Oh well. 80 will do for now.


As usual, comments are awesome. Credit [info]spookicons or [info]spookycandy if you are using them.
To the Icons! )

Dec. 11th, 2007


Elizabeth Montgomery: 54 icons

I had wanted to do many more icons of this woman, because I find her beautiful. Right now however, it seems that I should focus on getting the icons done and out there rather than fussing over icon counts. :P So, here they are.

Remember to Credit, and comments/feedback are awesome.


To the Icons! )

Nov. 5th, 2007


John Amplas//Martin: 150 icons

I think this may be my biggest icon batch to date. *boggles* 150 icons. I'm not happy with all of them, but I learned a lot while making these.

This is John Amplas, portraying the titular character in the movie Martin. He is officially the creepiest vampire I've ever seen in a movie. Also the most tragic. I don't want to get into why, just bear in mind that this is a bizarre movie. (Although I probably will blab away if asked. lol) I guess that's what you should expect from George Romero, who, btw, appears in the movie, along with Tom Savini. One day, I may cap them, and icon them as well.


To The Icons! )

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