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[18 Sep 2016|11:36am]

Who: Millicent Bagnold & Crouch Sr (NPC)
What: Floo call to alert the DMLE of the attack.
When: During the full moon attack
Status: Complete

Millicent was chilled to here the hear the Werewolves in the distance of the village. She was terrified of them. She tried not to be during the rest of the month but nights like this... She fully understood why people were scared of the animals. She turned to put the kettle on to settle in on the couch with a book and a cup of tea when something caught her eye.

There was fire on the edge of the village. She was going to call the Muggle firebrigade when a flash of spell in the distance caught her attention.

"Fuck," she cursed as she raced to the floo. Throwing it in, she called out "Crouch Manor!"

"Millicent," he Crouch Sr said as he answered the floo. "What can.."

"Death Eater attack. Godric's Hollow," she said in a rush interrupting him. "Need backup. Werewolves are here too," she informed him.

"I'll alert the Aurors," he said going pale before pulling back and ending the conversation.

[16 Sep 2016|10:33am]

WHEN: Friday Night
WHERE: Godric's Hollow

NOTES: I'm leaving this very open for people to do what they like with. Would love as many people as possible to jump in. Let's go!

Three things can not be long hidden. The sun, the moon, and the truth )

Owl to Orion Black [06 Sep 2016|08:08pm]

Good Evening Mr Black,

I am writing to you as Regulus Black did not arrive at Hogwarts. If he is arriving at a later date would you kindly let us know when to expect him.

Thank you.

Minerva McGonagall

[04 Sep 2016|05:02pm]

Who: Lucius & Bellatrix
Where: Malfoy Manor
What: Discussing the future/Afternoon tea
When: September 3rd, after his entry
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

[04 Sep 2016|11:13am]

Who: Emmeline Vance & Fabian Prewett
Where: 3B
When: Not long before his date with Rosie
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

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[04 Sep 2016|02:33am]

WHO: Peter & Regulus
WHAT: Regulus remembers
WHEN: 1st September
WHERE: Hogwarts Express | Peter's House
RATING|STATUS: PG-13? | Closed, In Progress

I was much too far out all my life and not waving but drowning )

[03 Sep 2016|07:27pm]

Anonymous Owl to Peter Pettigrew

Do not join the Death Eaters. It will ruin everything.

[30 Aug 2016|09:55pm]

Who: Fabian and Rosie
Where: The 3Bs
When: Tuesday night
What: Talking, Questions, Things
Rating: Medium?
Status: Incomplete

Such a chicken )

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