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Aug. 2nd, 2008


Prompt #11 - Finish the story

Hey guys! Prompt #10 is still ongoing, but I thought I would post this now, incase I forget.

Prompt #11!

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Any questions feel free to leave a comment. For anyone interested there's a new prompt available at [info]spn_roadside - the Winchester Mystery House! Check it out :D

Jul. 6th, 2008


Prompt #10

Hey guys! Prompt #10.

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For anyone with an LJ there is a new Supernatural fest for crack!fic. This is a fest for all of those cracky ideas and/or movie adaptations you'd like to see. Prompts will be accepted until July 19th, so there's still plenty of time to submit yours. You can do that here. Comments are screened, anonymous commenting is turned on.

There's also a new prompt up at [info]spn_roadside, Carnival.

That's all for today, I hope everyone is coming along nicely on their tables. No rush of course!

Jun. 5th, 2008


Prompt #9

Hey everyone, hope things are well. How about prompt #9?

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Remember any questions or comments or even prompt suggestions feel free to drop me a note. And for anyone interested there's still an open prompt over at [info]spn_roadside so if you're up for it head on over and check it out. That community is also now accepting art.


Mar. 21st, 2008


Prompt #8

Before we get to our prompt I'd just like to say congrats to darkmagic_luvr, a member of the LJ comm as she's the first one to finish all ten prompts. You can find her work here.

Now to the prompt.

images behind the cut )

All righty that's all for now. Remember any questions or comments or even prompt suggestions feel free to drop me a note. And for anyone interested there's still an open prompt over at [info]spn_roadside so if you're up for it head on over and check it out.


Jan. 28th, 2008


Challenge #7

I'm just posting this now so I don't forget to do it later, if you still want to write for prompt #6 by all means go for it.

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Any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. etc., leave a note. And by all means, feel free to pimp :D Speaking of, there's a new prompt up over at [info]spn_roadside for anyone interested.

It's great to see posts! Keep up the awesome work, you guys *G*

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